Government Securities

The National Bank of Romania (NBR), acting as the state agent and market administrator, is in charge of the management of primary and secondary markets for government securities in dematerialized form, in both national and foreign currencies, on the domestic market. In this capacity, the NBR organizes and conducts the government securities investment activity and sets the norms on the organization and functioning of the secondary market for government securities, under the NBR management, based on the agreements signed with the Ministry of Finance and in compliance with the NBR Statute and its own regulations. Moreover, the NBR acts as the central depository via SaFIR for all government securities issues in dematerialized form.

Primary Market Operations

ISIN Type Issuance/ Reopening date Maturity date Rezidual maturity
Base auction volume (mill.) Non-competitive session volume (mill.) Currency Avg Yield Rate
(% p.a.)
Max Yield Rate
(% p.a.)
Coupon Rate
(% p.a.)
Announced Subscribed Alloted Announced Subscribed Alloted
ROJVM8ELBDU4GB, interest4 Dec.202425 Apr.2029 53500.0985.3710.375.0135.075.0Lei7.177.186.30
RO0DU3PR9NF9GB, interest2 Dec.202424 Feb.2038 159500.0704.6500.
ROACGEG6O7E2GB, interest29 Nov.202414 Dec.2026 24150.0177.5150.0---EUR3.503.504.90
RO8CJ4RJR8S6TC, discount29 Nov.202426 Nov.2025 12150.0277.7198.3---EUR3.193.20-
RO6824OS6LR8TC, discount27 Nov.202426 Feb.2025 3500.0865.9500.0---Lei6.266.28-
ROCDG04X8WJ7GB, interest27 Nov.202426 Apr.2028 41600.0197.10.090.0--Lei--6.30
RO7EKTXSRHD6GB, interest25 Nov.202428 Jan.2026 14700.0312.0252.0105.00.00.0Lei6.336.346.30
RODFIUK7ZV55GB, interest25 Nov.202425 Apr.2035 125500.0778.8500.
ROP9QVD42HO2GB, interest20 Nov.202431 May.2027 30700.0287.10.0105.0--Lei--7.20
ROYNCLHRHVV6GB, interest18 Nov.202429 Jul.2030 68500.0790.0500.

»»» GB = Government Bonds, TC = Treasury Certificates


Buy-back Operations

(latest 10 operations)
ISIN Type   Settlement   date    Maturity     date Rezidual maturity
Auction value (mill.) Currency Average Yield rate
(% p.a.)
Coupon Rate
(% p.a.)
Announced  Subscribed  Alloted
RO1522DBN056GB, interest 24 Jun.2022 19 Dec.2022650.0150.00.0RON-3.50

more »»» GB = Government Bonds,


Exchange operations

(latest 5 auctions)
ISIN Type     Auction     date     Maturity    date Rezidual maturity
Auction Nominal value (mill.) Currency Average Yield
(% p.a.)
Coupon Rate
(% p.a.)
Announced Subscribed* Alloted
ROTM7EDD92S2 GB, interest 22 Nov.2024 31 Jul.2034116200.0269.6200.0RON7.097.10
RODD24CXRK47 GB, interest 22 Nov.2024 28 Jul.20258-227.7144.4RON-3.65
RO1425DBN029 GB, interest 22 Nov.2024 24 Feb.20253-72.358.8RON-4.75
RODFIUK7ZV55 GB, interest 31 Oct.2024 25 Apr.2035126200.0292.4200.0RON6.946.75
RODD24CXRK47 GB, interest 31 Oct.2024 28 Jul.20259-234.2152.4RON-3.65
RO1425DBN029 GB, interest 31 Oct.2024 24 Feb.20254-119.851.2RON-4.75
RO0DU3PR9NF9 GB, interest 10 Oct.2024 24 Feb.2038161200.0513.8450.4RON6.717.90
RO1425DBN029 GB, interest 10 Oct.2024 24 Feb.20255-538.8463.4RON-4.75
RO0TLVC1MCW4 GB, interest 10 Oct.2024 25 Nov.20242-91.742.4RON-3.70
RO3B41D8EX14 GB, interest 30 Aug.2024 25 Jul.202959200.0495.6431.1RON6.434.85
RO1425DBN029 GB, interest 30 Aug.2024 24 Feb.20256-239.5229.5RON-4.75
RO0TLVC1MCW4 GB, interest 30 Aug.2024 25 Nov.20243-220.7167.5RON-3.70
ROWLVEJ2A207 GB, interest 19 Aug.2024 30 Oct.2033110200.0357.0334.5RON6.637.20
RO1425DBN029 GB, interest 19 Aug.2024 24 Feb.20256-254.4241.4RON-4.75
RODD24CXRK47 GB, interest 19 Aug.2024 28 Jul.202511-134.5122.9RON-3.65

more »»»Titluri new/reopend issues in exchange with old issues
*) Subscribed value is based on new/reopened issues only


Government Securities Outstanding

ISIN code Total alloted nominal amount
Currency Type     Issuance     date     Maturity     date Discount rate
(% p.a.)
Coupon rate
(% p.a.)
ROL2KUQU0G92 955.04LeiTC 22 Jan.2024 20 Jan.20255.67- 1
RO7QK1HCA6H4 1,600.52LeiTC 8 Jul.2024 27 Jan.20255.80- 0.6
ROVKA2NSGY63 767.32LeiTC 7 Feb.2024 29 Jan.20255.63- 1
RO550ZKFEUK3 123.75EuroGB 14 Dec.2023 14 Feb.2025-4.40 1.2
RO1425DBN029 11,585.08LeiGB 30 Jul.2014 24 Feb.2025-4.75 10.6
ROWZRTRBXVD3 1,024.82LeiTC 18 Mar.2024 26 Feb.20255.70- 0.9
RO6824OS6LR8 507.91LeiTC 27 Nov.2024 26 Feb.20256.16- 0.2
ROCN9C5SFV13 436.58LeiTC 7 Aug.2024 24 Mar.20255.59- 0.6
ROLDTSD4N4L2 1,633.99LeiTC 10 Apr.2024 26 Mar.20255.69- 1
ROEDCYTB27Y9 2,445.97LeiTC 10 Jun.2024 31 Mar.20255.75- 0.8

»»» GB = Government Bonds, TC = Treasury Certificates


Reference Rates

(12:00) - %
Maturity 6M 12M 3Y 5Y 10Y 6M 12M 3Y 5Y 10Y
03 Dec 20246.366.407.037.297.406.046.086.797.057.17
02 Dec 20246.346.387.027.307.396.006.056.777.057.17
29 Nov 20246.366.417.037.317.456.046.086.787.067.22
28 Nov 20246.306.376.937.237.375.986.036.706.997.14
27 Nov 20246.346.416.977.257.396.006.046.737.017.16


Secondary Market Operations

(daily averages)
Period RON EUR
Number Volume
(RON mill.)
Number Volume
(EUR mill.)
daily series
2 Dec.2024440 7,667.18 1.6
29 Nov.2024467 4,597.011 28.3
28 Nov.2024600 4,038.61 6.1
27 Nov.2024395 1,972.51 0.1
26 Nov.2024224 6,660.61 0.1
monthly series
Nov.2024 220 4,263.1 3 8.2
Oct.2024 167 3,830.7 4 15.9
Sep.2024 132 2,621.1 5 6.7
Aug.2024 144 2,619.1 3 5.4
Jul.2024 137 2,850.1 3 1.4
Jun.2024 169 2,460.3 2 13.6
