Financial markets
Money market
Foreign exchange market
Exchange Rate on Forex Market
Archive of Exchange Rate (ROL)
Forex Market Transactions
Government Securities
Transactions on the secondary market
NBR Open Market Operations
Monetary and financial statistics
Credit risk indicators
Central Credit Register
Loans granted and commitments assumed by NBFIs, e-money institutions and payment institutionsGenerate Statistics
Loans granted and commitments assumed by NBFIs, e-money institutions and payment institutions – individualsGenerate Statistics
Payments statistics
Indicators regarding cards, number of terminals and transactions with payment instructionsGenerate Statistics
Balance of payments and international investment position - BPM6
Debt Securities Statistics
Instructions for use
The interactive database encompasses time series of indicators, grouped by field and subfield. In order to view or download certain data series, you need to take the following steps:
1. Select the respective indicators by means of the tree (the groups may be enlarged by clicking on
2. Press on the Generate statistics button by the items you are interested in and a table containing the latest figures for the concerned series will be displayed with no delay.
3. Below the table are the options for selecting the time interval (preselected ="All available data")
4. Press one of the control buttons of the series display format as follows:
- HTML - for a display in the current window,
- Excel, XML and CSV - for data export in one of the three specific formats.
In order to identify the indicators, you can also use the research window (beneath the tree).