NBR Legislation

Financial and banking legislation features selected pieces of primary legislation, which govern the activity of the NBR, other monetary and financial institutions, as well as non-bank financial institutions. It includes also norms and regulations issued to implement primary legislation. Subsection Other regulations issued by the NBR contains norms, orders and regulations issued by the NBR to regulate the interbank money and forex markets, the payment systems, statistical reporting to the central bank, etc.

Available only in Romanian version: Legislative Index with the most recent regulations issued by the NBR and the archives and Legislative proposals which includes, for information purposes and comments, draft regulations that are due for adoption by the NBR prior to being submitted for approval (a short presentation of the draft regulation is published in English version ).

Lists containing the European Union regulations and European Union decisions in respect of the primary objective and the main responsibilities of the NBR concerning the activity of institutions under its regulatory/supervisory scope are also available in this section.

Note: Laws and regulations available in this section are for information purposes only. The official versions are published in Monitorul Oficial al României.