Comunicat de presă

Numismatic issue - a gold coin "Engolpion Cantacuzin" in the series "History of Gold"


Pursuant to Law No. 312/2004 - The NBR Act and Ordinance No. 45/1998 issued by the Government of Romania, as approved by Law No. 244/1998 on vesting the National Bank of Romania with the power to put into circulation numismatic coins made of precious metals, the National Bank of Romania shall issue starting 13 December 2004 a gold coin, "Engolpion Cantacuzin" with face value of ROL 100 in the series "History of Gold".

Characteristics of the coin:

  • shape: round;
  • metal: gold;
  • fineness: 999/1000;
  • quality: proof;
  • weight: 1.224 grams;
  • edge: milled;
  • diameter: 13.92 mm.

The obverse: The inscription "ROMANIA" is engraved in the centre, and is sustained by a medieval adornment made up of two birds facing one another. The year of issue "2004", in two fragments, and the face value "100 lei" are placed on the upper and the lower side of Romania's coat-of-arms.

The reverse: The reproduction of the engolpion (golden icon) representing the two-headed eagle with the cross, heraldic symbol of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople. The inscription "Engolpion Cantacuzin" is engraved circularly, on each side of the two-headed eagle.

The gold coins, encapsulated in transparent plastic cases, are accompanied by an authentication certificate (in Romanian and English) bearing the signature of both the Governor and the Head Cashier of the National Bank of Romania, as well as by a prospectus.

The issue of 1,000 coins is to be sold both on domestic and foreign markets at a price of ROL 1,560,000 per coin, including the cost of the capsules, authentication certificate and prospectus.

The coins may be sold in adequate cases, upon request. The cost of the case and the value added tax of 19 percent are not included in the above-mentioned price.

For numismatic purposes, the gold coins put into circulation by the National Bank of Romania may be purchased both by natural and legal persons. The coins may be held or exchanged by observing the provisions of Art. 2 of Ordinance No. 45/1998 issued by the Government of Romania, as approved by Law No. 244/1998.

The gold coins "Engolpion Cantacuzin" in the series "History of Gold" are legal tender in Romania.

The design of this banknote is protected by registration with the State Office of Trademarks in Romania. Forgery or counterfeiting of these coins is an infringement of the law and shall be penalised accordingly.

The National Bank of Romania's branches in Bucharest. Iaşi and Timişoara are in charge of putting the coins "Engolpion Cantacuzin" in the series "History of Gold" into circulation for numismatic purposes.