The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Romania ratified in 1990 the Agreement Establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as a founding member. Currently, Romania's subscription to the EBRD's equity capital amounts to EUR 144.070 million, the equivalent of 14,407 shares.

The EBRD's Board of Governors consist of representatives of all member countries. Romania's Governor at the EBRD is the Minister of Finance and the Alternate Governor at the EBRD is the Governor of the National Bank of Romania.

Starting with 2011, Romania is part of a constituency including Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Algeria.

The latest Country Strategy for Romania was approved on April 23, 2020 and its strategic directions for 2020-2025 are: promoting investment in sustainable infrastructure and regional development; supporting productivity through corporate expansion and skills upgrade and expanding financial intermediation and capital markets.
Until 29 February 2024, the EBRD granted Romania financial assistance totalling EUR 10.950 billion (in 525 agreements), out of which 81 percent were signed with counterparties from the private sector.

Romania's section on the EBRD's website