Comunicat de presă

Coins withdrawal: ROL 5, ROL 10, ROL 20 and ROL 50, issued after 1990


In accordance with the provisions of Article 19 of Law 101/1998-The NBR Act, the National Bank of Romania shall withdraw from circulation, starting 1 June 2003, the metal coins with face value of ROL 5, ROL 10, ROL 20 and ROL 50 issued after 1990.

After 30 June 2003, the above-mentioned coins cease to be legal tender and may not be used as a legal means of payment.

The withdrawal of the metal coins with face value of ROL 5, ROL 10, ROL 20 and ROL 50 issued after 1990 shall be carried out as follows:

Between 1-15 June 2003 inclusively, the coins shall be received as usual from individuals by all economic agents and institutions that are bound to receive the above mentioned coins, not to put them in circulation again and deposit them daily, along with the cash, with the outlets of the banks they have their accounts opened with.

Between 16-30 June 2003, only banks shall receive from individuals, economic agents and other institutions, for payment or exchange will accept the metal coins that are to be withdrawn. Banks shall not put them in circulation again, but shall deposit them in their accounts held with the National Bank of Romania.

The National Bank of Romania branches shall exchange the above-mentioned coins from individuals.

After 1 July 2003, the metal coins with face value of ROL 5, ROL 10, ROL 20 and ROL 50 issued after 1990, which ceased to be legal tender, shall no longer be received and exchanged by commercial banks from individuals.

Between 1 July 2003 and 30 June 2004, the metal coins with face value of ROL 5, ROL 10, ROL 20 and ROL 50 issued after 1990, which ceased to be legal tender, may be exchanged by the National Bank of Romania branches only.

Defaced coins presented by individuals shall be exchanged by the NBR branches in accordance with the laws in force until 30 June 2004 inclusively.