Comunicat de presă

Press release on credit co-operatives


Following the completion of the second stage in the licensing procedure of credit co-operatives that decided to operate within networks, pursuant to the provisions of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 97/2000 on credit co-operatives, amended and supplemented by Government Emergency Ordinance No. 272/2000, hereinafter referred to as "Ordinance", the National Bank of Romania informs that it has licensed four co-operative networks including 784 credit co-operatives, of which 743 already operating credit co-operatives and 41 co-operatives to be established in compliance with the provisions of the Ordinance.

At the same time, the National Bank of Romania rejected the application for joint establishment of CREDITUL POPULAR co-operative network including 31 credit co-operatives already set-up and 143 credit co-operatives to be established, as well as the applications of other thirteen credit co-operatives, of which twelve co-operatives already operating within the four networks the joint establishment/reorganisation of which has been licensed, and one credit co-operative to be established.

CREDITUL POPULAR network and the credit co-operatives, which following the completion of the second stage of licensing and the analysis of complaints, were not granted the preliminary licence for establishment/reorganisation and therefore shall be dissolved and liquidated, are set forth in Annex 1.

The credit co-operatives admitted in the first stage of the licensing process, but which have not submitted the documentation necessary for the second stage of the licensing process, and therefore shall be dissolved and enter into liquidation, are set forth in Annex 2.

The credit co-operatives mentioned under Annex 1 and Annex 2, and the credit co-operatives that have either not submitted an application for licensing to the National Bank of Romania, or whose applications have been rejected, shall abide by the law, shall be dissolved and enter into liquidation.
The credit co-operatives in this situation are shown in Annex 3.

Pursuant to the provisions under Art. 262 of the Ordinance, the credit co-operatives that have not been licensed or have been rejected in any stage of the licensing process shall be dissolved and shall enter into liquidation pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 109/1996 on organisation and operation of consumer co-operatives and credit co-operatives. The National Bank of Romania deems necessary that, in order to enforce the above-mentioned laws, and to discourage illegal deeds that may jeopardise the rights and interests of depositors with the credit co-operatives in question, government institutions such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Public Finance (Financial Guard), Trade Registry, a.s.o., should take the necessary measures by law, without prior notification.

Notice is also given that meeting the requirements for two of the three stages of the licensing process established by law does not guarantee the winning of the operation licence. It simply means that the National Bank of Romania allows continuation of the licensing process. The credit co-operatives that have won the establishment/reorganisation licenses are not yet under supervision of the National Bank of Romania and are not members of the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund, therefore household deposits are not yet guaranteed.

We state once again, that credit co-operatives shall enter the deposit guarantee system only after their functioning is licensed by the National Bank of Romania, by observing the provisions of the law regarding payment of premiums to the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund, whereas compensation payments to depositors shall be made only in case of bankruptcy of the Credit Co-operative Head Office.

As for the letters and complaints sent to the National Bank of Romania by depositors with credit co-operatives (popular banks), we underline that the National Bank of Romania is not accountable for operations carried out by credit co-operatives (popular banks), all the more so in case of co-operatives rejected in any stage of the licensing process. We stress that the National Bank of Romania does not have the prerogatives and the responsibilities, nor is it involved in the dissolution or liquidation of credit co-operatives already rejected or to be rejected in any stage of the licensing process.

Therefore, the National Bank of Romania shall no longer answer the complaints coming from third parties relative to credit co-operatives (popular banks) that have not won the joint establishment/reorganisation licence, as it is not vested with the power to deal with disputes arising mainly from payment refusal, deposit rescheduling, forcing depositors to convert their deposits into shares, refusal to release the amounts pledged as collateral, or other abusive practices of some credit co-operatives. Individuals shall therefore bring such cases to court.

Annex 1

List of credit co-operatives to which the National Bank of Romania has not granted the preliminary approval for establishment/reorganisation (second stage) and, pursuant to Art. 262 of Emergency Government Ordinance No. 97/2000 subsequently amended, shall be dissolved and enter into liquidation

A. List of credit co-operatives to which the National Bank of Romania has not granted the preliminary approval for establishment/reorganisation (second stage) and, pursuant to Art. 262 of Emergency Government Ordinance No. 97/2000 subsequently amended, shall be dissolved and enter into liquidation

No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1. CASA TERITORIALA A COOPERATIVELOR DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARA DE ECONOMII (CASA CENTRALĂ CREDITUL POPULAR) Bucureşti, Calea Victoriei nr.133-135, et.2, cam.2-3, sectorul 1 (Bucureşti, str.Corbeni nr.32, sectorul 2) J40/10285/1997
2. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARA "SCONTO" BUZAU Buzău, str.Gării nr.11, ap.1, jud.Buzău J10/521/1998
3. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARA DREPTATEA OC3 Galaţi, str.Albatros nr.10, bl.N5, ap.2, jud.Galaţi J17/10003/1997
4. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT ALUTUS SLATINA Slatina, str.Sevastopol nr.2, jud. Olt J28/61/1999
6. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - TATI - Botoşani Botoşani, str.Calea Naţională nr.262, jud.Botoşani J07/255/2000
7. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARA CHETA Râmnicu Sărat, str.Toamnei, bl.8B, ap.2, jud.Buzău J10/78/1999
8. BANCOTUR BANCA POPULARA PENTRU COMERT SI TURISM COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT Constanţa, Bdul 1 Decembrie 1918 nr.2, parter, jud. Constanţa J13/03/1997
9. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BISTRA ZAVOI OC Zăvoi nr.193, jud. Caraş Severin J11/1302/1992
10. BANCA POPULARA PENTRU COMERT SI TURISM - POSTAVARUL - COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT Braşov, str.Aurel Vlaicu nr.31, jud. Braşov J08/578/1998
11. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARA INDUSTRIILE UNIVERSUL Braşov, str.Pieţii nr.5 (str.Mureşenilor nr.3), jud. Braşov J08/641/1998
12. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARA COVURLUI OC3 Galaţi, str.Siderurgiştilor, bl.SD1B, ap.22, jud. Galaţi J17/367/1999
13. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT PNC MANGALIA Mangalia, Şos.Constanţei nr.32, bl.B3, sc.A, parter, jud.Constanţa J13/1/2001
14. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT "SAO AURORA" OC Caransebeş, str.Mihai Viteazul nr.8, jud. Caraş Severin J11/30/2001
15. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT "AURORA BISTRITA AURIE" OC Valea Mare - sat, nr.49, comuna Şanţ, jud. Bistriţa Năsăud J06/94/2001
16. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT "AURORA BOLDESTI SCAIENI" Boldeşti Scăineni, str. Petroliştilor nr.2, bl.28, jud.Prahova J29/161/2001
17. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT "CAPITAL" OC Reşiţa, str.Lucian Blaga nr.1, jud. Caraş Severin J11/47/2001
18. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT "ENEEA" (Cooperativa de Credit "Eneea" Bistriţa) Bistriţa, str.Mihai Eminescu nr.5-8, jud.Bistriţa Năsăud J06/120/2001
19. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT "FERDINAND" (Cooperativa de Credit "Ferdinand" Orsova) Orşova, str.1 Decembrie nr.22, sc.A, ap.1, jud. Mehedinţi J25/21/2001
20. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT "AURORA ORAVITANA" OC Oraviţa, str.Zona Gării, Centrala II, jud.Caraş Severin J11/25/2001
21. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT "AURORA ARAD" OC Arad, Piaţa Gării, bl.L, jud.Arad J02/37/2001
22. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT "VIITORUL" OC Sântana, Piaţa Mihai Viteazu nr.1, bl.B1, parter, jud.Arad J02/21/2001
23. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT LECHINTEANA Lechinţa, nr.506, jud.Bistriţa Năsăud J06/198/2001
24. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AURORA (Cooperativa de Credit "Aurora" Năsăud) Năsăud, str.Libertăţii nr.9, jud.Bistriţa Năsăud Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
25. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AURORA "LUGOJANA" LUGOJ OC (Cooperativa de Credit Lugojana) Lugoj, str.Stadion, nr.59, ap.6, jud.Timiş J35/928/2001
26. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT CREDITGIARM GIARMATA OC (Cooperativa de Credit "Credit Giarm" Giarmata) Giarmata, str.Morii nr.729, jud.Timiş J35/249/2001
27. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AURORA RECASEANA O.C. (Cooperativa de Credit "Aurora Recăşeana" Recaş) Recaş, nr.965, jud.Timiş J35/925/2001
28. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AURORA TIMISOARA OC (Cooperativa de Credit "Aurora" Timişoara) Timişoara, str.Lacului (Piaţa Aurora), jud.Timiş J35/926/2001
29. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AURORA - AVA OC (Cooperativa de Credit Aurora Ava Buziaş) Buziaş, str.Principală nr.53, jud.Timiş J35/924/2001
30. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT "AURORA VEST" - Sannicolau Mare OC (Cooperativa de Credit Sannicolau Mare) Sannicolau Mare, str.Mihai Viteazu nr.4, jud.Timiş J35/930/2001
31. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT "AURORA - DETA " OC (Cooperativa de Credit Deta) Deta, str.Mihai Viteazu nr.42, jud.Timiş J35/932/2001
32. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT "AURORA - FLORIAN" JIMBOLIA OC (Cooperativa de Credit Jimbolia) Jimbolia, str.Republicii nr.5, sc.B, et.4, ap.9, jud.Timiş J35/929/2001
33. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT TATI BUCOVINA SUCEAVA Suceava, Calea Unirii nr.51 bis, jud.Suceava Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
34. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT COVURLUI IASI Iaşi, str.Milcov nr.10, bl.1201, ap.3, jud. Iaşi Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
35. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT COVURLUI FOCSANI Focşani, str.Pictor Grigorescu nr.4, bl.37, ap.64, jud.Vrancea Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
36. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT UNIVERSAL Măgurele Turnu Măgurele, str. Republicii, bl.C3, parter, jud.Teleorman Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
37. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT INCREDEREA AGNITA Agnita, str.Aurel Vlaicu nr.41, jud.Sibiu Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
38. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT COVURLUI, Bacău Bacău, str.Republicii nr.37, jud.Bacău Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
39. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MUNTENIA com. Lunguleţu, jud.Dâmboviţa Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
40. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AGROCREDIT SELENA com.Balta Doamnei, sat Curcubeu, jud.Prahova Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
41. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AURORA DROBETA Drobeta Turnu Severin, str.Crişan nr.25, jud. Mehedinţi Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
42. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT COVURLUI SLOBOZIA Slobozia, DN 2A Bucureşti - Constanţa, Km 119, varianta de sud, jud.Ialomiţa Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
43. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AURORA MEDGIDIA Medgidia, str.Independenţei nr.10, bl.IP10, sc.B, ap.26, jud.Constanţa Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
44. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MOLDOCREDIT BACAU Bacău, str.Războieni nr.38, jud. Bacău Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
45. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT DELTACREDIT TULCEA Tulcea, str.Amurgului nr.9, jud.Tulcea Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
46. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AGROCREDIT UNIREA com.Unirea, sat Valea Cânepii, jud.Brăila Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
47. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AURORA MURAWA Moraviţa, str.Principală nr.289, jud. Timiş Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
48. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AURORA GATAIA Gătaia, str.Republicii nr.62, jud.Timiş Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
49. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AURORA VOITIM VOITEG Voiteg, nr.336 (fost 341), jud. Timiş Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended
50-174 Credit co-operatives that were due for establishment pursuant to GEO 97/2000, amended    

B. Rejected credit co-operatives which have applied to the National Bank of Romania for license within credit co-operative networks which were granted the preliminary approval for establishmant/reorganisation (second stage)

1. Creditcoop Network
Rejected credit co-operatives
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1 Cooperativa de Credit Arieşul Baia de Arieş (Banca Populară Arieşul Cooperativa de Credit) jud. Alba Baia de Arieş, str. Arieşului bl. 18 sc A, ap.1 , jud. Alba J01/1206/1994
2 Cooperativa de Credit Donaris Zimnicea (Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Zimnicea), jud. Teleorman Zimnicea, str. Călugăreni bl. 4A sc. B, ap.1, jud. Teleorman J34/1290/1992
3 Cooperativa de Credit Tomis Constanţa Constanţa, str. Cuza Vodă nr. 88 B, jud. Constanţa J13/66/1991
2. Creditul Românesc
Rejected credit co-operatives
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ FURNICA Sos. Ştefan cel Mare nr.30 bl.26 sector 2 Bucureşti J/40/1919/1998
3. Aurora Română
Rejected credit co-operatives
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AURORA ROMÂNĂ SECTOR 2 Str. Tunari nr. 7 sect. 2, Bucureşti J/405820/2001
4. Concordia Română
Rejected credit co-operatives
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ Alba Iulia jud. Alba Str. Piaţa Eroilor nr. 11 Alba Iulia, jud. Alba J01/527/1998
2. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ Beclean Jud. Bistriţa Năsăud Beclean, Str. 1 Decembrie 1918 nr. 1 bl.A35, parter jud. Bistriţa Năsăud J/06/188/1999
3. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ Bozovici Bozovici, Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 245, Jud. Caraş Severin J/11/128/1999
4. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT Zalău jud. Sălaj Zalău, Str. Mihai Viteazu nr. 14, jud. Sălaj J/31/377/1998
5. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT CEHU SIVANIEI Jud. Sălaj Cehu Silvaniei, Str. Pţa Gh. Pop Băseşti nr. 2/A, jud. Sălaj J/31/43/1999
6. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ Surduc jud. Sălaj Surduc, nr.135/A, jud. Sălaj J/31/376/1998
7. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ HERECLEAN jud. Sălaj Hereclean , nr. 26, jud. Sălaj J/31/128/1999
8. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT PANCONCORDIA Jud. Timiş Urma să se constituie în baza OUG. 97/2000, amended

Annex 2

LIST of credit co-operatives that were granted the preliminary approval for reorganisation (first stage), but have not submitted to the National Bank of Romania an application for the second stage of the licensing process and, pursuant to Art. 262 of Emergency Government Ordinance No. 97/2000, subsequently amended, shall be dissolved and enter into liquidation

Part A - Credit co-operatives which have notified the National Bank of Romania on their dissolution and entering into liquidation

1. Creditul Românesc Network
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1 Cooperativa de Credit Ardeleana Tg. Mureş, jud. Mureş Str. Tuşnad nr. 3,ap.31, Tg. Mureş, jud. Mureş J/26/910/1998
2. Concordia Româna Network
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
2 Cooperativa de Credit Tîrgovişte, Jud. Dâmboviţa Târgovişte, str. Gral Eremia Grigorescu nr. 1, jud. Dâmboviţa J/15/375/1998
3 Cooperativa de Credit Năvodari, Jud. Constanţa Năvodari, Str. Rândunelelor bl. 8 sud, parter, Jud. Constanţa J/13/61999

Part B - Credit co-operatives that have not notified the National Bank of Romania on their legal status

No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
4 COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT AURORA MUREŞANA Tg. Mureş, Bd. 1 Decembrie 1918, nr. 243, ap.4, jud. Mureş J/26/178/2001

Annex 3

LIST of credit co-operatives that have not submitted an application for approval to the National Bank of Romania in the first stage of the licensing process, or were rejected in the first stage of the licensing process, and pursuant to Art. 262 of Government Ordinance No. 97/2000 subsequently amended, shall be dissolved and enter into liquidation

Part A - List of credit co-operatives that have not applied to the National Bank of Romania for a license and therefore shall be dissolved and enter into liquidation pursuant to Art. 262 of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 97/2000, subsequently amended, shall be dissolved and enter into liquidation

A I - Credit co-operatives that have not applied to the National Bank of Romania for a license pursuant to the Chapter X - Transitory provisions of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 97/2000 subsequently amended, and have notified the National Bank of Romania directly or through the Credit Co-operatives Head Office to which they were affiliated by Law No. 109/1996 that they shall dissolve and enter into liquidation
No. Position in the NBR list Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1.  A IV 26. BANCA POPULARA TIMBANK Cluj Napoca str.Pitesti nr.7 jud.Cluj J12/1787/1998
2.  A IV 27. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARA MODEST O.C. Sfantu Gheorghe Pta Mihai Viteazul nr.15 jud.Covasna J14/7/1999
3.  A IV 68. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARĂ "CREDIT INVEST" BUCURESTI Bucureşti Bdul Unirii nr.14, bl.6, sector 4 J40/1969/1999
4.  B IV 61. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ "IZVOR" OC Tg. Mureş str. Tineretului nr.2 jud. Mureş J26/442/1999
5.  B IV 59. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT RAIFFCOOP-LAM CERNAT O.C. Cernat, nr.449 jud.Covasna J14/120/1999
6.  B IV 60. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT RAIFFCOOP-LAM ILIENI O.C. Ilieni str.Principală nr.222 jud.Covasna J14/121/1999
7.  A IV 37. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARA EXCELSIOR O.C.3 Galaţi str.Brăilei nr.173 bl.G, ap.20 jud.Galaţi J17/10005/1998
9.  A II 10. "CASA JUDEŢEANĂ A COOPERATIVELOR DE CREDIT CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ" ARAD OC Arad str. Eroul Necunoscut nr.10 jud. Arad J02/40/1999
10.    A II 32. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARA CONCORDIA ROMANA Râmnicu Sărat, str. Balta Albă, bl.E4, ap.8 jud. Buzău J10/0176/1999
11.    A II 38. CASA JUDEŢEANĂ A COOPERATIVELOR DE CREDIT "CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ" BANCA POPULARĂ - OLTENIŢA Olteniţa, Bd. Republicii nr.29, jud. Călăraşi J51/68/1999
12.    A II 39. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARĂ "CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ" - OLTENIŢA Olteniţa, Bd. Republicii nr.29, jud. Călăraşi J51/59/1999
13.    A II 40. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARA "CONCORDIA ROMANA" - MITRENI comuna Mitreni jud.Călăraşi J51/60/1999
14.    A II 41. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARA "CONCORDIA ROMANA" - MÂnĂstirea comuna Mânăstirea jud.Călăraşi J51/58/1999
15.    A II 42. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARĂ "CONCORDIA ROMANA" - LEHLIU GARĂ oraş Lehliu Gară str. N. Titulescu nr.25 jud. Călăraşi J51/57/1999
17.    A II 62. CASA JUDEŢEANĂ A COOPERATIVELOR DE CREDIT CONCORDIA ROMANA O.C.3 Galaţi, str. Brăilei, bl.BR5B, jud Galaţi J17/362/1999
18.    A II 66. CASA TERITORIALĂ A COOPERATIVELOR DE CREDIT CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ Tg. Jiu, str. Tudor Vladimirescu nr. 17 jud. Gorj J18/134/1999
19.    A II 76. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ BUSTUCHIN comun Bustuchin jud. Gorj J18/140/1999
21.    A II 98. CASA JUDEŢEANĂ DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARA CONCORDIA ROMANA Satu Mare, str. P-ta Romana, bl.D3 Jud. Satu Mare J30/39/1999
22.    A II 122. CASA JUDEŢEANA A COOPERATIVELOR DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARA "CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ" OC Sibiu str. C. Noica bl.1, sc. B, ap.12 jud Sibiu J32/258/1999
23.    A II 129. CASA JUDETEANA A COOPERATIVELOR DE CREDIT "CONCORDIA ROMANA" - BANCA POPULARĂ VÂLCEA Rm. Vâlcea str. Gral Praporgescu nr.14 jud. Vâlcea J38/80/1999
24.    A II 134. CASA JUDEŢEANĂ A COOPERATIVELOR DE CREDIT BANCĂ POPULARĂ CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ - O.C. Focsani, str.Unirii nr.57, Jud. Vrancea J39/232/1999
25.    B II 32 CASA JUDEŢEANĂ A COOPERATIVELOR DE CREDIT CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ BIHOR OC Oradea, Str. Piata Independentei nr.3-5 Jud. Bihor J05/27/1999
27.    B II 39 CASA JUDEŢEANĂ A COOPERATIVELOR DE CREDIT - BĂNCI POPULARE CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ Buzău, str.Unirii, bl.10BC, parter jud.Buzău J10/0327/1999
28.    B II 40 CASA JUDEŢEANĂ A COOPERATIVELOR DE CREDIT - BĂNCI POPULARE "CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ" OC Reşiţa, str. T.Lalescu nr.22 jud.Caraş Severin J11/231/1999
30.    B II 42 CASA JUDEŢEANĂ A COOPERATIVELOR DE CREDIT- BANCA POPULARĂ - "CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ" - DÂMBOVIŢA OC Târgovişte, str. Ieremia Grigorescu nr.1 jud. Dâmboviţa J15/149/1999
31.    B II 43 CASA JUDEŢEANĂ A COOPERATIVELOR DE CREDIT "CONCORDIA ROMANA" MARAMUREŞ Baia Mare Bd. Unirii nr.11 jud. Maramureş J24/365/1999
33.    B II 35 COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARA "CONCORDIA ROMANA" SIEU Sieu, nr.237, jud.Bistriţa Năsăud J06/180/1999
34.    A II 127 CONCORDIA ROMANA COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARA OC Timişoara, str.Vasile Pârvan nr.12 jud.Timiş J35/1376/1998
35.    A II 90. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARA "CONCORDIA ROMANA" SOMCUTA MARE Somcuta Mare, Str. N.Balcescu nr.2 jud. Maramures J24/48/1999
36.    A I 27 COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARA NĂDLAC OC Nădlac, str. Victoriei, bl.D2, parter jud.Arad J02/406/1998
39.    A I 200 COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT N. BALCESCU O.C. comuna N. Balcescu jud. Calarasi J51/838/1992
40.    A I 276 COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARA MAGLAVIT com.Maglavit jud.Dolj J16/2832/1992
41.    A I 280 COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARA NEGOI com.Negoi jud.Dolj J16/2836/1992
42.    A I 362 COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARA BAITA Baita, nr.130 jud. Hunedoara J20/536/1994
43.    A I 444 COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ TÎRGU NEAMŢ Tîrgu Neamţ str. Mihai Eminescu, bl. G4,sc.A, ap.4 jud. Neamţ J27/396/1994
44.    A I 486 COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARA TURULUNG O.C. Turulung, str.Viilor nr.747, jud.Satu Mare J30/117/1998
A II - Credit co-operatives that have not applied to the National Bank of Romania for a license pursuant to the Chapter X - Transitory provisions of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 97/2000, subsequently amended, and have not notified the National Bank of Romania on their legal status
No. Position in the NBR list Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1 A IV 29. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARA RICH BANK Craiova str.Mihai Viteazu nr.4 jud. Dolj J16/10/1999
2 A IV 30. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARA PROBANC O.C.3 Galati, Str.Combinatului nr.5, Bl. H, Ap.13 Jud. Galati J17/121/1999
3 A IV 36. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARA FORTUNA O.C.3 Galati str.Brailei, bl.BR5B jud.Galati J17/10007/1998
4 A IV 51. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCĂ POPULARĂ CREDO-COOP Târnăveni, str.Şoimilor nr.100/A, ap.4 jud.Mureş J26/222/1998
5 A IV 59. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - "BANCA POPULARA HUMANIA" Satu Mare str.Petofi nr.4/A jud.Satu Mare J30/545/1997
6 A IV 31. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT - BANCA POPULARĂ SPERANŢA O.C.3 Galaţi, str. Roşiori nr.4, bl.BR 16B, ap.130, jud. Galaţi J17/10006/1998
7 A IV 66. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT- BANCA POPULARĂ ELISABETA Bucureşti str.Gherghiţei nr.27, sector 2 J40/3852/1998
8 A IV 67. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT- BANCA POPULARĂ EU-RO Bucureşti Bd.Burebista nr.1, bl.D15, sc.2, parter, ap.34, sector 3 J40/5984/1999
10 A IV 8. BANCA POPULARA ARDEALUL Bistrita str.Petru Rares nr.7A jud.Bistrita Nasaud J06/336/1997
11 A IV 33. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ STABILITATEA O.C.3 Galaţi str. N. Bălcescu nr.3 jud. Galaţi J17/10008/1998
12 A II 20. "CONCORDIA ROMÂNA - COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT-BANCA POPULARA" BACAU OC Bacau, Str. 9 Mai nr.33 Jud. Bacau J04/253/1999
15 B II 37 COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT- BANCA POPULARĂ "CONCORDIA ROMÂNĂ" - NĂSĂUD Năsăud, str. Libertăţii nr.4 jud. Bistriţa Năsăud J06/221/1999
16 B II 52 COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARA CONCORDIA ROMANA TURNU MAGURELE Turnu Măgurele str. Republicii, bl. C1 jud. Teleorman J34/201/1999

Part B - Credit co-operative networks and credit co-operatives which were not granted the preliminary approval for establishment/reorganisation (stage 1) by the National Bank of Romania

B I. Credit co-operative networks that have not won the preliminary establishment/ reorganisation approval

1. MINERVA network including the following credit co-operatives:
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1.     MINERVA COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT GALAŢI OC3 Galaţi, str. Navelor, bloc Siret 1, parter, jud. Galaţi J17/10004/1997
2.     MINERVA COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT ARAD OC Arad, Pţa. Spitalului de Copii, bloc H, parter, jud. Arad J02/181/2001
3.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MINERVA, BOTOŞANI Botoşani, str. Transilvaniei nr. D11B, jud. Botoşani J07/73/2001
4.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MINERVA BÂRLAD OC Bârlad, str. Republicii nr. 190, bl. 1,parter, jud. Vaslui J37/84/2001
5.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MINERVA SIBIU OC Sibiu, str. Oituz nr. 2, jud. Sibiu J32/186/2001
6.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MINERVA PLOIEŞTI OC Ploieşti, str. Colţei nr. 5, jud. Prahova J29/301/2001
7.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MINERVA CÂMPINA OC Câmpina, b-dul. Carol I, bloc 24 H, parter, jud. Prahova J29/296/2001
8.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MINERVA FOCŞANI Focşani, str. Mareşal I. Antonescu nr. 11, apt. 1, jud. Vrancea J39/120/2001
9.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MINERVA IAŞI OC Iaşi, str. Anastasie Panu nr. 1A, parter, jud. Iaşi J22/317/2001
10. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MINERVA BRĂILA OC Municipiul Brăila, b-dul. Independenţei nr. 4, bl. B5, parter, jud. Brăila J09/114/2001
11.  MINERVA COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BACĂU OC Bacău, str. Mărăşeşti nr. 110, bloc 110, sc. C, apt. 4, jud. Bacău J04/204/2001
12.  MINERVA COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT ONEŞTI OC Oneşti, str. Republicii nr. 12, bloc 12, apt. 26, jud. Bacău J04/205/2001
13.  MINERVA COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT OC, CONSTANŢA Constanţa, b-dul. Tomis nr. 315, bloc LT5A, parter, jud. Constanţa J13/3/2001
14.  MINERVA 2001 COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BRAŞOV Braşov, str. 15 Noiembrie nr. 1, apt. 3, jud. Braşov J08/426/2001
15.  COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MINERVA SUCEAVA Suceava, str. Mihai Viteazu nr. 27, jud. Suceava J33/219/2001
16.  COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MINERVA CLUJ Cluj Napoca, str. General Traian Moşoiu nr. 18, jud. Cluj J12/655/2001
17 -71 54 credit co-operatives and one Credit Co-operatives Head Office which were to be established pursuant to Government Emergency Ordinance No. 97/2000, subsequently amended    
2. Familia network including the following credit co-operatives:
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ FAMILIA Bucureşti, str. Drumul Taberei nr. 121, sector 6 J40/9057/1999
2 - 57 56 credit co-operatives which were to be established pursuant to Government Emergency Ordinance No. 97/2000, subsequently amended    
3. Star Petroşani network including the following credit co-operatives:
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT EURO CREDIT PETROŞANI Petroşani, str. Mihai Viteazu nr. 3, jud. Hunedoara J20/472/1998
2.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT INVEST BANK- BANCA POPULARĂ Tg. Jiu, Zona Hotel Gorj, bl. 7-8-9, jud. Gorj J18/127/1999
3.     BANCA POPULARĂ COOPERATISTĂ CONCORDIA O.C. Oradea, str. General Magheru, bl. M11, jud. Bihor J05/27/1998
4 - 51 48 credit co-operatives and one Credit Co-operative Head Office which were to be established pursuant to Government Emergency Ordinance No. 97/2000, subsequently amended    
4. Pontica network including the following credit co-operatives:
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1.  COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ FORUM Comuna Voluntari, b-dul. Dunării nr. 71, jud. Ilfov J40/13075/1998
2.  COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ SFINXCOOP Cluj Napoca, Calea Dorobanţilor nr. 38, jud. Cluj J12/1068/1998
3.  COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ SILVABANC OC Zalău, b-dul. Mihai Viteazu, bloc Perla- parter J31/177/1998
4 - 64 60 credit co-operatives and a Credit Co-operatives Head Office which were to be established pursuant to Government Emergency Ordinance No. 97/2000, subsequently amended    
5. Millenium BPR network including the following credit co-operatives:
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ ROMÂNĂ Bucureşti, B-dul. Nicolae Titulescu nr. 48, sector 1 J40/10605/1996
2.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ NOVA BANK Craiova, Calea Dunării nr. 56, jud. Dolj J16/383/1999
3 -270 267 credit co?operatives (co-operatives deriving from the split-off of the BANCA POPULARA ROMANA Credit Co-operative Head Office and co-operatives which were to be established pursuant to Government Emergency Ordinance No. 97/2000, subsequently amended) and one Co-operative Head Office    

B II - B Rejected credit co-operatives who have jointly applied to the National Bank of Romania for a license within a credit co-operative network who has won the preliminary establishment/reorganisation approval (stage 1)

1. CREDITUL POPULAR Network. Rejected credit co-operatives
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT ‘’AURORA’’ PLOIEŞTI Judeţul Prahova Provine din divizarea BP Aurora CC-menţionată în partea BII, poziţia 21 a prezentei liste
2.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT ‘’AURORA’’ INEU Judeţul Arad Provine din divizarea BP Aurora CC- menţionată în partea BII, poziţia 21 a prezentei liste
3.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT ‘’AURORA’’ SIGHIŞOARA Judeţul Mureş Provine din divizarea BP Aurora CC- menţionată în partea BII, poziţia 21 a prezentei liste
4.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT ‘’AURORA’’ ALBA IULIA Alba Iulia, str. T. Vladimirescu nr. 3-4, jud. Alba Provine din divizarea BP Aurora CC- menţionată în partea BII, poziţia 21 a prezentei liste
5.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT ‘’FERDINAND’’ OC Băile Herculane, str. Trandafirilor nr. 48, jud. Caraş Severin J11/20/2001
6.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT ‘’SILVANA’’ OC Moldova Nouă, str. Nicolae Bălcescu- Autogara (str. N. Titulescu (Fortuna)), jud. Caraş Severin J11/29/2001
7.     PAJURA- COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ VICTORIA Victoria, str. Oltului nr. 24 (str. Libertăţii nr. 16), jud. Braşov J08/491/1998
8.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ ‘’ARDEALUL ŞI BANATUL’’ OC Reşiţa, str. George Enescu nr. 2 (sau Bd. Republicii nr. 6), jud. Caraş Severin J11/212/1999
9.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ ‘’ARDEALUL ŞI BANATUL’’ OC Timişoara, str. Calea Dorobanţilor nr. 3, bl. D3, sc. B, jud. Timiş J35/269/2001
10.  COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ ‘’ARDEALUL ŞI BANATUL’’ OC Reşiţa,, Bd. Republicii nr. 6, jud. Caraş Severin J11/45/2001
11.  COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ ‘’ARDEALUL ŞI BANATUL’’ OC Caransebeş, str. Episcop N. Popeea nr. 18, parter (str. Mihai Viteazul nr. 8), jud. Caraş-Severin J11/30/2001
12.  COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ ‘’ARDEALUL ŞI BANATUL’’ OC Drobeta Tr. Severin, str. Independenţei, Bl. IN 1A, tronson 2, jud. Mehedinţi J25/56/2001
13.  COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT ‘’AURORA’’ CLUJ Cluj Napoca, str. Primăverii (f.n.), jud. Cluj Provine din divizarea BP Aurora CC- menţionată în partea BII, poziţia 21 a prezentei liste
14. COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ SALTO BUCUREŞTI Bucureşti, str. Corbeni nr. 32, sector 2 (Bd. I.C. Brătianu nr. 10, et. 1, sector 3) J40/2419/1997
15.  BANCA POPULARĂ MUNTENIA COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT Târgovişte, str. Vlad Ţepeş, bl. 62, sc. A, apt. 16 (str. Nicolae Filipescu nr. 54), jud. Dâmboviţa J15/204/1998
16.  COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ DOMNIŢA ELENA Bucureşti, Şos. Viilor nr. 78-88, bl.103, sc. 6, et. 2, apt. 170, sector 5 J40/11501/1999
17.  COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ CREDITUL MEDICAL OC3 Brăila, Bd. Al. Ioan Cuza, bloc Tineretului, parter, jud. Brăila J09/162/1999
18.  BANCA POPULARĂ DE CREDIT ROCA Rm. Vâlcea, str. Independenţei, bl. 1, sc. C, et. 1 (str. Carol I nr. 8), jud. Vâlcea J38/298/1998
19.  COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ IZVORUL Bucureşti, str. Izvor nr. 78, sector 5 J40/6575/1999
20.  COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ SALTO CLUJ OC3 Cluj Napoca, str. Pasteur nr. 24 (b-dul. Eroilor nr. 16-18), jud. Cluj J12/707/1997
21.  BANCA POPULARĂ ‘’AURORA’’ COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT Timişoara, str. Lacului (Piaţa Aurora), jud. Timiş J35/1182/1998
2. Creditcoop Network. Rejected credit co-operatives
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ DĂRĂŞTI Comuna Dărăşti- Ilfov, jud. Ilfov J40/20944/1992
2.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT SIGHIŞOARA Sighişoara, str. Morii nr. 8, jud. Mureş J26/1466/1993
3.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MOTRU Motru, str. Tismanei, bl. J6, jud. Gorj J18/107/1991
4.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT ŢĂNDĂREI Ţăndărei, str. Bucureşti nr. 84 AP, jud. Ialomiţa J21/792/1992
5.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT SLOBOZIA Slobozia, str. Cosminului nr. U28, sc. 1, apt. 4, jud. Ialomiţa J21/460/1995
6.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT HOTARELE Comuna Hotarele, jud. Giurgiu J52/207/1993
7.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BÎLTENI Comuna Bîlteni, str. Sat Bâlteni, bloc 3, sc. 2, apt. 24, jud. Gorj J18/75/1991
8.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BOLINTIN DEAL Bolintin Deal, jud. Giurgiu J52/280/1993
3. Creditul Românesc Network. Rejected credit co-operatives
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ DUNĂREA OC 3 GALAŢI Str. Saturn nr. 1 bis, Complex Comercial Tighina I, jud. Galaţi J17/.10001/1997
4. Aurora Română Network. Rejected credit co-operatives
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT DOROBANŢUL BUCUREŞTI Bucureşti , şos. Vergului nr. 59, sector 2 provine din divizarea Cooperativei de Credit Banca Populară Dorobanţul Ploieşti menţionată în partea BII 4 poziţia 3 a prezentei liste
2.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT DOROBANŢUL BRAŞOV Braşov, str. Harmanului nr. 50, jud. Braşov provine din divizarea Cooperativei de Credit Banca Populară Dorobanţul Ploieşti menţionată în partea B II 4, poziţia 3 a prezentei liste
3.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT DOROBANŢUL PLOIEŞTI Ploieşti, str. Mircea cel Bătrân nr. 119, jud. Prahova J29/264/1998
4.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT DOROBANŢUL SIGHET Sighetul Marmaţiei, str. Iuliu Maniu, jud. Maramureş provine din divizarea Cooperativei de Credit Banca Populară Dorobanţul Ploieşti menţionată în partea B II 4, poziţia 3 a prezentei liste
5.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT STEAUA ROMÂNĂ BUCUREŞTI SECTOR 3 Bucureşti , bd. Unirii nr. 67, bl. G2A, sector 3 J40/5993/1999
6.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT STEAUA ROMÂNĂ TULCEA Tulcea, str. Mica nr. 1, parter, jud. Tulcea provine din divizarea Cooperativei de Credit Banca Populară Steaua Română menţionată în partea B II 4 poziţia 5 a prezentei liste
7.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT STEAUA ROMÂNĂ BUCUREŞTI SECTOR 4 Bucureşti, str. Orăştie nr. 26, sector 4 provine din divizarea Cooperativei de Credit Banca Populară Steaua Română menţionată în partea B II 4 poziţia 5 a prezentei liste
8.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT MARA ARAD Arad, str. Revoluţiei nr. 83, ap. 3, jud. Arad provine din divizarea Cooperativei de Credit Concordia Cluj, str. Memorandumului nr. 18, apt. 2, Cluj Napoca, jud. Cluj J12/1717/1998
9.     COOPERATIVA DE CREDIT BANCA POPULARĂ DE CREDIT IPOTECAR BUCUREŞTI Bucureşti, Calea Victoriei nr. 176, sector 1 J40/12968/1998
5. Concordia Română Network. Rejected credit co-operatives
No. Name of credit co-operative Address Registration number with the Trade Register
1.  Cooperativa de Credit Detunata Banca Populară Abrud JUD. ALBA Abrud Str.Piaţa Eroilor nr.4 Jud.Alba J01/249/1997
2.  Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Concordia Română Arad Jud.Arad Arad Str.Eroul Necunoscut nr.10 Jud.Arad J02/744/1998
3.  Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Concordia Română Gurahonţ Jud.Arad Gurahonţ Str.I Buteanu nr.9 Jud.Arad J02/357/1999
4.  Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Mioveni Jud.Argeş Mioveni Bd.Dacia , bl.Dacia V2b, parter Jud.Argeş J03/187/1999
5.  Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Oradea Jud.Bihor Oradea Str.Independenţei 3-5 Jud.Bihor J05/28/1998
6.  Concordia Română. Cooperativa de Credit Reşiţa OC3 Jud.Caraş Severin Reşiţa Str.N.Titulescu nr.2A Jud.Caraş Severin J11/322/1998
7.  Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Medgidia Jud.Constanţa Medgidia 56 Jud. Constanţa J13/7/1999
8.  Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Banca Populară Craiova Jud.Dolj Craiova Str.Matei Basarab 15 Jud.Dolj J16/146/1999
9.  Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Sadova Jud.Dolj Com.Sadova Jud.Dolj J16/2842/1992
10. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Concordia Română Galaţi Jud.Galaţi Galaţi Str.Brăilei bl.BR 5B Jud.Galaţi J17/46/1999
11. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Concordia Română Tg.Bujor Jud.Galaţi Tg.Bujor, str. Eremia Grigorescu nr. 80, bl. A2, sc. 4, apt. 55 (Str.Gh. Buzoianu 15,bl.PB1) , Jud.Galaţi J17/202/1999
12. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Concordia Română Giurgiu, Jud.Giurgiu Giurgiu Str.Bucureşti bl.103, parter Jud.Giurgiu J52/97/1999
13. Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Turburea Jud.Gorj Com. Turburea Jud.Gorj J18/53/1999
14. Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Turceni Jud.Gorj Turceni,sc.4, ap.19 Jud.Gorj J18/81/1999
15. Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română TG. Cărbuneşti Jud.Gorj Tg.Cărbuneşti Str.Trandafirilor nr.41 Jud.Gorj J18/121/1999
16. Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Tismana Jud.Gorj Sat Tismana Jud.Gorj J18/149/1999
17. Cooperativa de Credit Stoina Jud.Gorj Com.Stoina Jud.Gorj J18/166/1999
18. Concordia Română. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Miercurea Ciuc Jud.Harghita Miercurea Ciuc Str.Petofi Sandor 38 Jud.Harghita J19/178/1999
19. Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Deva Jud.Hunedoara Deva Str.Piaţa Victoriei nr.2, parter Jud.Hunedoara J20/757/1998
20. Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Brad Jud.Hunedoara Brad Str.Republicii, bl.6, ap.2, parter Jud.Hunedoara J20/275/1999
21. Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Hunedoara Jud.Hunedoara J20/340/1999 Hunedoara Str.Republicii, bl.8, ap.3 Jud.Hunedoara J20/340/1999
22. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Concordia Română Iaşi Jud.Iaşi Iaşi Str.Anastasie Panu, bl.6 Martie, parter Jud.Iaşi J22/210/1999
23. Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Baia Mare Jud.Maramureş Baia Mare Bd. Unirii 11 Jud.Maramureş J24/32/1999
24. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Concordia Română Baia Sprie Jud.Maramureş Baia Sprie Str.Piaţa Libertăţii nr.2 Jud.Maramureş J24/322/1999
25. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Colina OC3 Jud.Maramureş Baia Mare Bd.Republicii nr.11/31 Jud.Maramureş J04/441/1998
26. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Mara Jud.Maramureş Baia Mare Str.Mărgeanului nr.5A Jud.Maramureş J24/225/1999
27. Concordia Română. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Piatra Olt Jud.Olt Piatra Olt -Piaţa Gării Jud.Olt J28/132/1999
28. Concordia Română. Cooperativa de Credit Caracal Jud.Olt Caracal Calea Bucureşti nr.22,bl.A 1b,sc.1, parter, Jud.Olt J28/100/2001
29. Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Sibiu Jud.Sibiu Sibiu Str,Constantin Noica, bl.1, sc.B, ap.12 Jud.Sibiu J32/35/1999
30. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Concordia Română Ocna Sibiului Jud.Sibiu Ocna Sibiului Piaţa Traian nr.6 Jud.Sibiu J32/222/1999
31. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Concordia Română Cristian Jud.Sibiu Cristian nr.1 Jud.Sibiu J32/221/1999
32. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Oportun Odobeşti Jud.Vrancea Odobeşti Str.ştefan cel Mare nr.59 Jud.Vrancea J39/199/1999
33. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Concordia Română Alexandria Jud.Teleorman Alexandria Str.şoseaua Turnu Măgurele nr.1 Jud.Teleorman J34/10/1999
34. Concordia Română. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Titeşti Jud.Vâlcea Sat Titeşti, comuna Perişani Jud.Vâlcea J38/200/1999
35. Concordia Română. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Sângeorz Băi Jud.Bistriţa Năsăud Sângeorz str.Izvoarelor 67 jud.Bistriţa Năsăud J06/146/1999
36. Concordia Română. Daia Română Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară -jud.Alba Daia Română jud.Alba J01/150/1999
37. Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Gârla Mare Jud.Mehedinţi Comuna Gârla Mare jud.Mehedinţi J25/171/1999
38. Cooperativa de Credit Concordia Română Banca Populară Cluj Napoca Cluj Bdul.N.Titulescu nr.2 jud.Cluj J12/383/1999
39. Concordia Română. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Bistriţa Jud.Bistriţa Bistriţa str.Piaţa Unirii nr.9 jud.Bistriţa Năsăud J06/85/1999
40. Concordia Română. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Dărmăneşti Jud.Dâmboviţa Com Dărmăneşti Jud. Dâmboviţa J15/101/1999
41. Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Concordia Română Mireşu Mare Jud.Maramureş Mireşu Mare str.Principală nr.209 A Jud.Maramureş J24/40/1999
42. Concordia Română Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Horea jud.Alba str. Valea Arăzii nr.2 J01/190/1999
43. Concordia Română Cooperativa de Credit Banca Populară Urecheşti Jud.Vrancea com. Urecheşti, jud. Vrancea J39/179/1999