Comunicat de presă

Meeting of RBA members with NBR executives


At the Romanian Banker's Association's initiative, executives of the National Bank of Romania held a meeting with members of the Romanian Banker's Association on Wednesday, 4 June 2001.

The meeting was chaired by the governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mr. Mugur Isărescu, and by the president of the Romanian Banker's Association, Mr. Radu Graţian Gheţea. It was agreed to hold regular meetings on a formal and transparent basis. The governor of the National Bank of Romania presented an in-depth analysis of the main macroeconomic indicators, as well as of the bank policies and soundness, against the present economic background.

The President of the Romanian Banker's Association brought to the fore the main problems facing banks under the conditions of putting in place of the International Accounting Standards as of 1 January, 2002, the introduction of the euro as a legal tender, and the improvement of the Currency Regulation.

The representatives of banks expressed their confidence in the stregthening of the disinflation process and in the acceleration of economic growth. The discussions focused on the responsibilities of banks, mainly on lending to the real sector. A special emphasis was placed on the NBR's concern to further lower the required reserves gradually, thereby entailing enhanced resposibilities of banks for the proper management and turning to the best account of liquidity.

The next meeting will focus on inflation and its impact on lending and saving.

The National Bank of Romania
The Romanian Banker's Association