Comunicat de presă

Balance of Payments in January - September 2001


At end-September 2001, the balance-of-payments current account posted a deficit of USD 1,378 million compared with USD 798 million in the same year-ago period. This development was attributable to the joint action of the following factors: (i) the 72.7 per cent widening of the deficit under goods and services; (ii) the 22.6 per cent narrowing of the income deficit; and (iii) the 27.4 per cent increase in the surplus under current transfers.

- USD million -
  January - September 2000 January - September 2001
CURRENT ACCOUNT (A+B+C) 9,760 10,558 -798 11,309 12,687 -1,378
A. Goods and services 8,850 9,975 -1,125 10,069 11,994 -1,925
  a. Goods (exports fob - imports fob) 7,612 8,526 -914 8,667 10,456 -1,789
  b. Services 1,238 1,449 -211 1,402 1,538 -136
        - Transport 463 470 -7 530 557 -27
        - Tourism 261 286 -25 208 268 -60
        - Others 514 693 -179 664 713 -49
B. Incomes 167 428 -261 288 490 -202
C. Current transfers 743 155 588 952 203 749

Medium- and long-term external debt expanded by 10.5 per cent during January - September 2001 and amounted to USD 11,194 million.

At end-September public and publicly guaranteed debt ran at USD 7,619 million, making up 68.1 per cent of the medium- and long-term debt, the same share as at end-December 2000. Private external debt moved 10.6 per cent higher in the first nine months of 2001, and edged at USD 3,575 million at end-September.

Medium- and long-term debt service ratio (computed as a ratio between medium- and long-term external debt service and exports of goods and services) stood at 14.9 per cent at end-September 2001 versus 16.1 per cent at end-2000.