Comunicat de presă

Press release regarding the withdrawal of the Lei 10,000 banknote

In accordance with the provisions of Art. 19 of Law No. 101/1998 - The NBR Act, starting from 18 September 2000 the National Bank of Romania shall withdraw from circulation the banknote with face value of Lei 10,000 issued in 1994.

From 15 December 2000 onwards, the aforementioned banknote shall no longer be used as legal tender.

The Lei 10,000 banknote issued in 1994 shall be withdrawn in the following stages:

During 18 September - 30 November 2000, the pay desks of companies and other institutions shall accept banknotes from individuals. The pay desks shall not put these notes into circulation again, but deposit them on a daily basis, along with the cash, with the bank units where they hold accounts.

During 1 - 15 December 2000, banknotes to be withdrawn shall be returned to bank units' pay desks only in order to be replaced by the new banknotes.

As after 15 December 2000, the Lei 10,000 banknote issued in 1994 shall no longer be legal tender, the banknotes cannot be returned to bank units or replaced by new ones.

The damaged banknotes of Lei 10,000 issued in 1994 shall be replaced by new ones via the NBR branches in accordance with legal provisions by 15 December 2000.

The damaged banknotes returned in order to be replaced within the legal period, which have to be checked to assess the damage, may be replaced even after 15 December 2000.

Until 22 December 2000, banknotes that were returned to the bank units shall be deposited with the NBR branches, so that no Lei 10,000 banknote issued in 1994 shall be deposited with banks when the deadline has expired.

II. In accordance with Art. 15 and 19 of Law No. 101/1998 - The NBR Act, starting 18 September 2000 the NBR shall put into circulation the new, polymer-based banknote with face value of Lei 10,000.


  • size: 150x67 mm;
  • printed on polymer;
  • main colour, obverse/reverse: green and light green;
  • Obverse: Portrait of Nicolae Iorga, Romanian writer, historian and journalist. Centre, gentian flowers (Gentiana asclepiadaea). Upper, Romanian Coat of Arms, name of National Bank of Romania "BANCA NATIONALA A ROMANIEI", NBR medallion. Down, banknote denomination in figures and letters "10.000 lei ZECE MII". Left, authorised signatures of Governor, Chief Cashier and issuing year "2000". Vertically right, denomination "ZECE MII 10.000".
  • Reverse: Centre, episcopal cathedral of Curtea de Argeş Monastery erected by Neagoe Basarab (1512-1521). On the left, crusader eagle of the ancient Wallachian Coat of Arms used during the reign of Constantin Brâncoveanu (1688-1714). Up, denomination value "10.000" vertically and horizontally, name of National Bank of Romania "BANCA NATIONALA A ROMANIEI" and NBR logo. Down, left: denomination value in figures and letters "ZECE MII lei 10.000". Right from the episcopal cathedral penalty text, vertically: "FORGERY IS PUNISHED ACCORDING TO THE LAW". Serial number, black, vertically, on the left side; serial number, red, increasing characters, horizontally, on the right side.

Lei 10,000 banknote includes the following security features for protection against counterfeiting:

  • transparent window with embossed denomination value "10000": clear, nonprinted area, visible from either side;
  • shadow image: portrait and NBR logo are visible when banknote is held against the light;
  • perfect register: the floral shape is printed on both sides of the banknote; when the note is held against the light, both figures match properly.

The design of this note is protected by registration with OSIM (State Office for Trade Marks). Any colour reproduction, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes, information or any other licit action shall need prior written permission from the National Bank of Romania. Any forgery or attempted forgery shall be punished, according to the Romanian Criminal Code - Art. 282, with 3 to 12 years in jail.

From 15 December 2000 onwards, lei 10,000 banknotes issued in 1999 and 2000 shall be both in circulation.