Comunicat de presă

Press release on NBR's organisational restructuring


In the wake of the organisational restructuring of the National Bank of Romania, starting 1 September 2000, the NBR agencies listed below were dismantled, their duties being assigned to the adjacent branches, as follows:

NBR Branch Address of the NBR Branch NBR Agencies Assigned
Argeş Piteşti, Bdul Republicii nr.67, Argeş county Olt
Bacău Bacău, str. George Bacovia nr.6, Bacău county Neamţ
Braşov Braşov, Piaţa Sfatului nr.26, Braşov county Covasna
Buzău Buzău, str. Unirii Vechi nr.18, Buzău county Vrancea
Cluj Cluj - Napoca, Piaţa Unirii nr.7, Cluj county Sălaj
Constanţa Constanţa, str. Pescarilor nr.69, bl.FZ 26, parter, Constanţa county Tulcea
Dolj Craiova, str. Unirii nr.12, Dolj county Mehedinţi
Galaţi Galaţi, str. Fraternităţii nr.2, Galaţi county Brăila
Iaşi Iaşi, Bdul Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt nr.17, Iaşi county Vaslui
Maramureş Baia Mare, str. Gheorghe Şincai nr.34, Maramureş county Satu - Mare
Mureş Târgu Mureş, Piaţa Trandafirilor nr.50, Mureş county Bistriţa - Năsăud
Prahova Ploieşti, Piaţa Victoriei nr.6, Prahova county Dâmboviţa
Suceava Suceava, str. Ana Ipătescu nr.2, Suceava county Botoşani
Timiş Timişoara, Piaţa Forum nr.1, Timiş county Caraş - Severin
Bucharest Bucharest, str. Lipscani nr.16, sector 3 Giurgiu

Therefore, corporate and individual entities registered/residing in the counties where the NBR agencies were dismantled shall submit to the adjacent branches, consistent with the above-mentioned guidelines, all licensing applications, documents, statements, and reports due for submission to the NBR agencies as set forth in Regulation No. 3/1997 – The Currency Regulation – issued by the National Bank of Romania, with the subsequent amendments.