Comunicat de presă

Balance of Payments in First Quarter 2006


In 2006 Q1, the balance-of-payments current account posted a deficit of EUR 1,564 million, up 59.6 percent against the same year-ago period, largely on the back of a wider trade deficit.

- EUR mill. -
  2005 Q1* 2006 Q1**
CURRENT ACCOUNT (A+B+C) 6,995 7,975 -980 8,610 10,174 -1,564
A. Goods and services 5,885 7,065 -1,180 7,354 9,037 -1,683
  a. Goods (exports fob - imports fob) 5,095 6,156 -1,061 6,213 7,907 -1,694
  b. Services 790 909 -119 1,141 1,130 11
        - transport 246 318 -72 340 406 -66
        - tourism - travel 128 109 19 158 155 3
        - other 416 482 -66 643 569 74
B. Incomes 233 794 -561 357 991 -634
C. Current transfers 877 116 761 899 146 753

* rectified data

** provisional data

Current account deficit was fully covered from inflows of foreign direct investment amounting to EUR 1.7 billion compared with EUR 0.7 billion in 2005 Q1.

Medium- and long-term external debt1 at end-March 2006 ran at EUR 24,716 million, 0.7 percent higher than at end-2005.

Public and publicly guaranteed external debt came in at EUR 11,187 million at end-March 2006, accounting for 45.3 percent of medium- and long-term debt against 46 percent at end-2005.

Non-publicly guaranteed external debt totted up to EUR 12,686 million in 2006 Q1, up 3.1 percent from end-2005.

Romania's medium- and long-term external debt at end-March 2006 and external debt service in 2006 Q1
- EUR mill., provisional data -
  Medium - and long-term external debt External debt service
Balance as at 31/12/2005* Balance as at 31/03/2006** 2006 Q1**
I. PUBLIC DEBTa) 6,957 6,938 131
of which:
4,343 4,249 182
- public sector 4,131 4,047 173
- private sectorb) 212 202 9
of which:
12,302 12,686 797
- public sector 560 563 7
- private sectorb) 11,742 12,123 790
Total external debt resulting from medium- and long-term loans 23,602 23,873 1,110
Medium- and long-term deposits of non-residents 949 843 130***
Total medium- and long-term external debt 24,551 24,716 1,240

* rectified data

** provisional data

*** estimates

a) loans taken or guaranteed by the Ministry of Public Finance in compliance with Public Debt Act

b) financial and non-financial entities with majority private capital

In 2006 Q1, medium- and long-term external debt service ratio2 stood at 16.9 percent against 18.2 percent at end-2005.

At end-March 2006, import cover3 rose to 6.6 months versus 6.4 months at end-2005.


  1. External debt balance is subject to monthly revision.
  2. Medium- and long-term external debt service ratio is computed as a ratio of medium- and long-term external debt service to exports of goods and services.
  3. Import cover is computed as a ratio of official reserves of the NBR (foreign exchange + gold) at end of period to average monthly imports of goods and services for the period under review.