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The National Bank of Romania invites the public to the fourth edition of the “Open Doors” event

  • The Old Palace of the National Bank of Romania on Lipscani Street in Bucharest is opening its doors to the general public for guided tours, without prior registration, on Thursday, 18 April, and Friday, 19 April, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., marking the 144th anniversary of the central bank;
  • Several NBR branches and agencies throughout the country will be open to the public in the same time slot;
  • For the first time, visitors will also stroll through the exhibits showcased in the temporary exhibition Avram Iancu. The Man. The Hero. The Legend celebrating 200 years since the birth of the national hero.

In the context of its 144th anniversary, the National Bank of Romania invites the general public to the fourth edition of the “Open Doors” event. It will take place on Thursday, 18 April, and Friday, 19 April 2024, in the form of guided tours of approximately 30 minutes, without prior registration, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (the last tour of the day starts at 6 p.m.), in groups of up to 20 persons.

During the two days, visitors will access the lavishly-adorned areas of the Old Palace on Lipscani Street (including the Council Chamber and the former office of the Governor), while the NBR Museum guides will take them on a trip through the central bank’s history. Visitors will also be shown the most important items in the Museum and will experience hands-on one of the valuable exhibits – a gold ingot.

For the first time, visitors will also stroll through the exhibits showcased in the temporary exhibition Avram Iancu. The Man. The Hero. The Legend celebrating 200 years since the birth of the Transylvanian hero. The exhibition is organised in partnership with the King Ferdinand I National Military Museum, the National History Museum of Romania, the National History Museum of Transylvania, the National Union Museum in Alba Iulia, the Lucian Blaga Central University Library in Cluj-Napoca, and the Alba County Department of the National Archives of Romania.

Also in the period from 18 to 19 April 2024, several NBR branches and agencies throughout the country will be open to the public in the same time slot, as follows:

Cluj Regional Branch, Constanța Regional Branch, Dolj Regional Branch, Iași Regional Branch, Timiș Regional Branch, Argeș Agency, Brăila Agency, Buzău Agency, Gorj Agency, Maramureș Agency, Mureș Agency, Prahova Agency, Sibiu Agency, Suceava Agency.

In preparation for the visit, the public is kindly requested to check the conditions for access HERE.

Visitors of the NBR headquarters in Bucharest will access the premises on 25 Lipscani Street.

The “Open Doors” event was launched in 2019 and marks the anniversary of the Romanian central bank.

The public is reminded that the NBR offers free guided tours on a regular basis for those interested in the historical, monetary and cultural heritage of the National Bank of Romania, upon prior registration. Further information on scheduling a visit to the NBR is available here

We are looking forward to your visit!