Comunicat de presă

Press release on the reopening of the NBR Museum for the public


The Museum of the National Bank of Romania is reopening for the public on December 6th, 2021.

Our visitors will discover a new layout of the permanent exhibition, including a gold ingot from the NBR reserve, presented in a modern manner, common to all Central Bank Museums.

Two new temporary exhibitions are open for the public until the end of May 2022: 100 Years since the Birth of King Michael I (1921 – 2017) and Ecaterina Teodoroiu – Hero of World War I.

Created as an imaginary journey into the life of the monarch, from childhood to senescence, our exhibition 100 Years since the Birth of King Michael I (1921 – 2017), presents Marshal Uniforms belonging to the sovereign, folk costumes, military artifacts, coins, medals, documents, banknotes etc.

On the occasion of the December 1st 2021 launch of the 20 lei banknote, our exhibition dedicated to Ecaterina Teodoroiu comprises part of the hero’s personal objects (the military and scouts uniforms, her helmet and glasses, other military artifacts), as well as further exhibits including a painting by Camil Ressu, dedicated to Ecaterina Teodoroiu in 1917, Queen Maria’s nurse uniform, period photos.

Our temporary exhibitions are created in cooperation with the Royal House of Romania, the National Military Museum King Ferdinand I, the National Archives of Romania, the Dimitrie Gusti Village Museum, the National History Museum of Romania and the Daniel Obreja collection.

Our tours are guided and free of charge and are taking place according to prior scheduling, made at least two working days before the date of the visit by filling in our registration form.

According the regulations in force, our visitors will have to present their green certificate prior to admission to NBR headquarters.