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The National Bank of Romania, the Financial Supervisory Authority and the Ministry of National Education, award winners in Berlin for financial education projects conducted at national level


Romania received the CYFI Country Award as Regional Winner for Europe and Central Asia for the financial education projects conducted at national level in 2016 by the National Bank of Romania, the Financial Supervisory Authority and the Ministry of National Education.

The award was presented at the Global Inclusion Awards 2017, held in Berlin on Wednesday, 3 May 2017, under the high patronage of the German Presidency of the G20. Romania was designated winner in the CYFI Country Award category, which included five awards, one for each major region of the world. Mr. Emil Hurezeanu, Romania’s Ambassador to Germany, also attended the ceremony.

Starting 2009, the National Bank of Romania, in partnership with the Ministry of National Education and several universities, has been carrying out a series of projects to support financial education among elementary and secondary school pupils („Let’s Talk About Money and Banks”), students and teaching staff („NBR - Open Doors for Economics Students” and „Academica BNR”), which are aimed at widely disseminating information covering the central bank role, tasks and main functions, basic economic principles and advocacy of entrepreneurship especially among young people.

2017 marks the fourth year of NBR’s partnership with Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI), while the success of the activities conducted under this partnership was internationally acknowledged via the “Global Money Week” Award for Europe won by Romania in 2014.

CYFI is a non-profit organisation founded in Amsterdam, which aims at improving financial inclusion and creating policies and programmes that make children and youth able to learn about money, have access to a bank account, and develop entrepreneurial skills.

Launched in 2012, the CYFI global movement has expanded in over 140 countries worldwide, its message reaching more than 16 million children.

Detailed information on the educational projects conducted by the NBR is available on the NBR website, at