NBR Deputy Governor

Date of birth: 26 June 1975

Liviu Voinea, Professor, Ph.D.


Ph.D. in Economics - Academy of Economics, Faculty of Economics
Post-graduate studies in Welfare Sociology - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology
Master of Science in Business Administration - School of Business, Stockholm University
Bachelor in Economics - Academy of Economics, Faculty of International Business

Professional experience

October 2014 - Present
Deputy Governor, executive member of the NBR Board
21 December, 2012 – 27 August, 2014
Minister Delegate for Budget, Ministry of Public Finance
16 May, 2012 – 21 December, 2012
Secretary of State, Ministry of Public Finance, responsible for fiscal policies
April 2009 – 21 December, 2012
Non-executive member of the Board, Eximbank

Teaching activity

1 October, 2013 – Present
Professor, Academy of Economics, Faculty of International Business
1 February, 2005 – 30 September, 2013
Senior Lecturer, National School of Political and Administrative Studies
1 October, 2009 – 30 September, 2013
Associate professor, Academy of Economics, Faculty of International Business
Post-doctoral researcher, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Center, European Commission, Seville, Spain
2001 - 2004
Lecturer, Faculty of Economic Studies and European Integration - Romanian American University
1999 - 2000; 2001 - 2004
Associate professor, Faculty of Finance, Insurance, Banking and Stock Exchange, Academy of Economics


  • The Romanian Academy’s - "Virgil Madgearu” Award for Economics, in 2007 for the book Transnational Corporations and Global Capitalism

Project experience; International meetings and conferences

Publications (selected)