Part II - Branches of credit institutions, foreign legal persons*

Section I – Branches of third-country credit institutions

No records.

Entry in the register of credit institutions Name of the branch Address of the branch office Elements of identification Date from which the activity can begin         Comments          
Number Date Tax identification number Trade register office number Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
1 2 3 4 5 6
[#1#] [#2#] [#3#] [#4#] [#5#] [#6#] [#7#] [#8#] [#9#]

* Pursuant to Article 417 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 99/2006 on credit institutions and capital adequacy.

Total Branches of third-country credit institutions: 0.

Last update: 05.07.2024

Section II – Branches of credit institutions from other Member States

Entry in the register of credit institutions Name of the branch Address of the branch office Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Date from which the activity can begin         Comments          
Number Date
1 2 3 4 5 6
RB-PJS-40-024 18/02/1999 ING BANK N.V. AMSTERDAM - SUCURSALA BUCURESTI Bucureşti, str. Aviator Popişteanu, nr. 54A, Expo Business Park, clădirea 3, sector 1 22/06/1994 - incepand cu 01.01.2007 autorizatia de functionare si-a incetat de drept valabilitatea, sucursala functionand pe baza autorizatiei acordate ING Bank N.V. de catre autoritatea competenta din statul de origine, cf. art.415 din OUG nr.99/2006 privind institutiile de credit si adecvarea capitalului
RB-PJS-40-058 18/10/2007 BANQUE BANORIENT FRANCE S.A. SUCURSALA ROMÂNIA Bucuresti, B-dul Unirii nr.66, bl.K3, Mezanin, Sector 3 315700Y6DVCKDWJ1EO95 03/12/2007 -autorizatia de functionare a Blom Bank Egypt S.A.E. Egypt Sucursala Romania si-a incetat valabilitatea cu data transferului activitatii acesteia catre Blom Bank France S.A. Paris Sucursala Romania, 30.11.2007, potrivit Hotararii B.N.R. nr.14/2007. - până la data de 17.08.2021 a fost înscrisă sub denumirea BLOM BANK FRANCE S.A. PARIS SUCURSALA ROMÂNIA.
RB-PJS-40-065 22/12/2008 CITIBANK EUROPE PLC, DUBLIN SUCURSALA ROMANIA Bucuresti, Strada Buzești, nr.82-94 (Clădirea Țiriac Tower), etaj 1, sector 1. 01/01/2009
RB-PJS-40-068 30/08/2012 TBI Bank EAD Sofia - Sucursala Bucuresti Bucuresti, Str. Putul lui Zamfir, nr. 8-12, etaj 4, sector 1 529900N4WK17XH7RQ922 11/10/2012
RB-PJS-40-071 14/01/2016 ALIOR BANK SA VARSOVIA-SUCURSALA BUCURESTI Str. Menuetului, nr. 12, Clădirea D, Bucharest Business Park, etaj 4, sector 1, Bucureşti 30/04/2016 - prin scrisoarea nr.566/11.10.2017 sucursala a notificat inceperea operatiunilor comerciale cu data de 18.10.2017.
RB-PJS-40-072 27/07/2017 BNP Paribas S.A. Paris Sucursala Bucuresti Bucuresti, Sos. Pipera, nr. 46D-46E-48, Parcul Oregon, Clădirea C, etaj 6, sector 2. 16/10/2017
RB-PJS-40-074 15/01/2018 BNP Paribas Personal Finance S.A. Paris Sucursala Bucuresti Bucuresti, Sos. Pipera, nr. 46D-46E-48, Oregon Park, Clădirea C, etaj 6, sector 2. 31/01/2018
RB-PJS-40-075 17/10/2019 BANK OF CHINA (CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE) LIMITED SUCURSALA BUCUREŞTI Bucureşti, Piaţa Presei Libere, nr. 3-5, Sector 1 17/10/2019 - până la data de 20.05.2020 a fost înscrisă sub denumirea Bank of China (Hungary) Close LTD Budapesta Sucursala Bucureşti; deschiderea operaţională a sucursalei cel mai târziu la data de 01.09.2020.
RB-PJS-40-077 08/11/2021 PKO Bank Polski S.A. Varșovia, Sucursala București București, B-dul. Iancu de Hunedoara, nr. 48, Sector 1, Crystal Tower. 08/11/2021
RB-PJS-40-078 19/05/2022 Revolut Bank UAB Vilnius – Sucursala București București, Bdul. Ion Mihalache, nr.15-17, Mindspace Victoriei, etajul 1, clădirea Tower Center International,sector 1. 19/05/2022 Până la data de 03.06.2022 a fost înscrisă sub denumirea Revolut Bank UAB – Sucursala România.

* Pursuant to Article 417 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 99/2006 on credit institutions and capital adequacy.

Total Branches of credit institutions from other Member States: 10.
Last update: 05.07.2024