Interviews and presentations

  • 18.06.2019
    Speech at the event hosted by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Daniel Dăianu, BNR Board member
    Budapest, 18 June 2019

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  • 10.06.2019
    Both rules and risk-sharing are essential in the EU(EA) --non-EA member states are vitally interested in a good functioning of the EA-- - Daniel Dăianu, NBR Board member
    Dinner speech at the ELEC conference on EU economic convergence, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest, 3 June 2019

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  • 3.06.2019
    Central banks’ dilemmas in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) - Daniel Dăianu, NBR Board member
    Presentation held at the Annual conference on macroeconomic analysis and international finance, University of Crete, 31 May 2019

    application/pdf 930 KB, Download
  • 13.05.2019
    Speech at the event hosted by the National Bank of Romania for representatives of the European Banking Federation - Daniel Dăianu, BNR Board member
    Bucharest, 10 May 2019

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  • 23.10.2018
    Revisiting roots of fragility  - Daniel Dăianu, member of the NBR Board
    Presentation made at the OMFIF-Asian Development Bank Conference, Yerevan, 23 October 2018

    application/pdf 467 KB, Download
  • 11.10.2018
    Revisiting roots of fragility in emerging economies* - Daniel Dăianu, member of the NBR Board
    Presentation made at the Central Banks Governors' Club of the Central Asia, Black Sea Region and Balkan Countries meeting, Bucharest, 20 September 2018

    application/pdf 255 KB, Download
  • 11.06.2018
    Putting the Capital Markets Union (CMU) in a wider perspective - Daniel Dăianu, member of the NBR Board
    Presentation at the "The future of Capital Markets in the EU: towards deeper integration?" conference, European Parliament, 6 June 2018

    application/pdf 126 KB, Download
  • 24.05.2018
    The New Protectionism/ Nationalism/ Inward-looking Society (NP): where does it come from and where may it go? - Daniel Dăianu, member of the NBR Board
    Presentation at University LUISS, Rome, 15 May 2018

    application/pdf 355 KB, Download
  • 9.05.2017
    The New Protectionism/Nationalism (NP): Where does it come from and where may it go? - Daniel Dăianu, member of the NBR Board
    Presentation at Danmarks Nationalbank and Danish Economic Society, Copenhagen, 9 May 2017

    application/pdf 342 KB, Download
  • 3.03.2017
    EU Under Siege: Are National Budgets and the EU Budget Up To Challenges? - Daniel Dăianu, member of the NBR Board
    Presentation, Faculty of European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University, 2 March 2017

    application/pdf 520 KB, Download
  • 12.12.2016
    A Union under Siege: Are National Budgets and the EU Budget Up To Challenges? - Daniel Dăianu, member of the NBR Board
    Keynote speech at the “EU Budget and EU challenges” conference, The Romanian European Institute, Bucharest, 7 December 2016

    application/pdf 481 KB, Download
  • 28.10.2016
    Domestic cycles, financial cycles and policies, What has gone wrong? - Daniel Dăianu - Daniel Dăianu, member of the NBR Board
    Presentation at the "Gaps and Economic Crises in south-east Europe:present and past" National Bank of Romania, 28 October 2016

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  • 20.10.2016
    Capital flows and turmoil in Emerging Markets: what is new, what is old? - Daniel Dăianu, member of the NBR Board
    Presentation at National Bank of Poland Conference: The State of Europe, 14 October 2016

    application/pdf 753 KB, Download
  • 4.10.2016
    Brexit: Hard vs. Soft (Do we still need each other?) - Daniel Dăianu, member of the NBR Board
    Presentation at a roundtable on Brexit, Bulboacă & Associates, 26 September 2016

    application/pdf 401 KB, Download
  • 3.06.2016
    Ultra-low Interest Rates - Causes, Policies, Effects - Daniel Dăianu, member of the NBR Board
    Presentation, Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority international conference on non-bank finance, Bucharest, 2 June 2016

    application/pdf 850 KB, Download
  • 2.03.2016
    Romania: macroeconomic picture and finance - Daniel Dăianu, member of the NBR Board
    Presentation, Romania Investor Days in London, 29 February 2016

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  • 14.12.2014
    External Imbalances and the Governance of the Eurozone - Daniel Dăianu, Member of the Board
    Article published in World Commerce Review, December 2014

    application/pdf 91 KB, Download
  • 24.11.2014
    A Central Bank’s Dilemmas During Highly Uncertain Times - Daniel Dăianu, Member of the Board
    Conference of the OeNB, Vienna, 24 November 2014

    application/pdf 937 KB, Download