Meetings of the Dutch Constituency - 2012

Bucharest, June 2012

In 2012, the informal meeting of the Dutch Constituency has been organized in Bucharest by the National Bank of Romania and the Ministry of Public Finance, during 15-17 June. The event was attended by governors, finance ministers and other country representatives but also IMF and WB guests: Ms. Nemat Shafik – IMF Deputy General Manger, Mr. Menno Snel – IMF Executive Director for the Dutch Constituency, Mr. Phillipe Le Houerou – WB Vice president, Mr. Ruud Treffers – WB Executive Director for the Dutch Constituency.

The first part of the plenary discussions were dedicated to constituency’s internal issues, followed by debates on the current international agenda: structural reforms, fiscal consolidation, growth sustainability in Europe, financial stability and sovereign debt management. Furthermore, bilateral meetings took place between representatives of member countries on one hand and IMF and WB representatives on the other.

It is worth mentioning that representatives of Belgium and Luxemburg were invited to the meetings in Bucharest, in the context of negotiations for creating a new constituency, with the two countries joining the Dutch constituency.


Tokyo, October 2012

On 12 October 2012, a meeting of the Dutch Constituency took place along the IMF and WB Annual Meetings in Tokyo. On this occasion, the partner countries announced the creation of a new constituency, together with Belgium and Luxemburg, with effect since 1 November 2012.

Within the official ceremony for establishing the new constituency, in the presence of Ms. Christine Lagarde, the IMF General Manager, Mr. Mugur Isarescu – the Governor of the National Bank of Romania and Mr. Stanley Fisher – governor of the Bank of Israel, have been invited to deliver speeches.

Governor Mugur Isărescu's speech (Romanian only)