Opening speech at Network of ESCB Data Protection Experts Meeting

Mugur Isărescu, NBR Governor

Distinguished audience,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to the National Bank of Romania!

We are honoured to host today the bi-annual meeting of the Network of European System of Central Banks Data Protection Experts. Allow me to greet the data protection officers in charge at the European Central Bank, as well as all the colleagues from the central banks attending the event today, in person or online.

During the past few years, I have noticed a growing attention towards ensuring data protection. The year 2016 marked a key moment in the evolution of European regulatory framework for personal data protection, as the European Parliament and the EU Council adopted the Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679. Consequently, the national laws in this domain have also been adapted to the European requirements.

The Romanian Parliament has adopted the Law no. 190/2018 regarding the measures to implement the Regulation concerning the protection of private individuals related to the management of personal data and the free movement of these data. The National Bank of Romania has also adapted internal institutional regulations to the matter, based on the Law and the reform of the legal framework. Thus, NBR has enabled a thorough transposition of the new national and European requirements, including the achievement of an efficient cooperation with the European Central Bank and the representatives of the central banks from EU member states.

Safeguarding the right for personal data protection as a part of the broader right to a private life is of significant priority. Data processors, the National Bank of Romania included, have the obligation to conduct the data management to the benefit of citizens, abiding by the fundamental principles, rights and freedoms, regardless of the technological evolutions that have generated and continue to generate new challenges.

The agenda of today’s meeting and the obvious competence of the participants outline my firm belief that the debates will offer relevant viewpoints in the process of implementing specific action paths, that will respond to the challenges of the present moment regarding personal data protection.

I commend the organizers’ initiative and commitment shown for this event.

Thank you for your attention and I wish you fruitful discussions!