NBR Deputy Governor


Leonardo Badea, Professor, Ph.D.
Member of the Board, Deputy Governor
Born on 23 February 1975, in Târgovişte, Dâmbovița County
Faculty of Finance and Banking, Academy of Economics, Bucharest

Leonardo Badea Professor, Ph. D.

Education and training

Master of Science in International Banking and Finance (With Distinction) - The University of Salford, Salford Business School
Graduation certificate - Postdoctoral Academic School of Economics
Doctoral degree - Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Bachelor’s degree - Finance and Insurance, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, “Valahia” University of Târgoviște

Profesional experience

October 2019 - present
Deputy Governor National Bank of Romania
2017 - 2019
President - Financial Supervisory Authority
2016 – 2017
President - Committee for Budget and Finance Chamber of Deputies
2015 – 2016
President – Joint Control Committee of the Court of Account Parliament of Romania
2012 – 2016
Secretary – Committee for Budget and Finance, banking activity and capital market Senate of Romania
February 2022 - present
Professor - Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Pro-rector - “Valahia” University of Târgoviște
2008 – 2012
Dean - Faculty of Economic Sciences “Valahia” University of Târgoviște
2002 - 2008
Scientific Secretary of the Faculty Council - Faculty of Economic Sciences “Valahia” University of Târgoviște
2013 - 2022
Professor - “Valahia” University of Târgoviște
2007 - 2013
Senior lecturer - “Valahia” University of Târgoviște
2002 - 2007
University lecturer - “Valahia” University of Târgoviște
1998 - 2002
University assistant - “Valahia” University of Târgoviște
1997 - 1998
University junior assistant - “Valahia” University of Târgoviște

Awards and recognition of the scientific contribution

Awards from professional and research organizations:
  • Diploma of excellence for remarkable achievements in academic and research activity – Romanian Society of Statistics, 2020
  • Diploma of appreciation for contribution to ”Enabling the business of agriculture 2019 report”, World Bank Group, 2019
  • Diploma of honor and the distinction ”Professional of the year 2018” for promoting the image of professional organizations of Romanian economists and for the engagement and professional openness in relaunching the capital market – The General Association of Romanian Economists, 2019
  • Diploma of excellence for remarkable achievements in academic activity – Romanian Society of Statistics, 2018
  • Diploma of excellence for contribution to ”Knowing Centenary Romania” – Romanian Society of Statistics, 2018
  • Diploma of excellence for promoting the objectives of The General Association of Romanian Economists and for attracting young economists to the public life – The General Association of Romanian Economists, November 2014
  • Diploma of excellence for initiatives to promote the profession of economist, November 2011
  • Award for further research on the quality of banking activity, The General Association of Romanian Economists – December 2010
  • Second prize for a specialized paper published in the field of finance – The Association of Faculties of Economics from Romania, November 2008
  • Diploma of excellence for audience among young economists – The General Association of Romanian Economists, November 2006
  • Diploma of excellence for journalism debut and research of a young economist – The General Association of Romanian Economists, November 2003
Member of national professional and scientific associations:
  • Vice President of the General Association of Romanian Economists (AGER)
Member of editorial and scientific councils of economic journals: