Member of the Board

Cristian Popa, CFA

Member of the Board
Born on 20 August 1987 in Bucharest
Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Economisc, Academy of Economics, Bucharest

Cristian Popa, CFA, CAIA

Education and training

CAIA Charterholder (CAIA Association, Massachusetts, USA) – Chartered Alternative Investments Analyst
CFA Charterholder (CFA Institute, Virginia, USA) – Chartered Financial Analyst
Master’s degree, International Finance and Risk Management, Academy of Economics, Bucharest
Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Economisc, Academy of Economics, Bucharest

Work experience

October 2019 - Present
Member of the NBR Board
February 2018 - October 2019
Chief Investment Officer – NN Pensii SAFPAP
April 2014 – February 2018
Chief Investment Officer – NN Asigurări de Viață SA
March 2013 – April 2014
Investment Manager – ING Investment Management
April 2012 – March 2013
Equity Analyst – ING Investment Management
July 2010 – April 2012
Equity Portfolio Manager – BCR Pensii SAFPP
July 2009 – July 2010
Risk Management Specialist – BCR Pensii SAFPP
November 2006 – Iuly 2009
Equity Trader, Bucharest Stock Exchange - SSIF Investco SA and SSIF Broker SA

Teaching activity

2015 - 2019
Lecturer, the Romanian Banking Istitute

Affiliate to professional associations and organisations

2013 - Present
CFA Institute – active member
2013 - Present
CFA Society Romania Community – active member
2015 - Present
CAIA Association – active member
2018 - Present
Association of Financial-Banking Analysts in Romania – active member