“Gold from the Vault” Exhibition

The newest section in the permanent exhibition has been organized within a special and secure space, with a vault door.

Gold, a noble metal with special characteristics, has always aroused the interest and imagination of men who had considered it a symbol of perfection and eternity. The gold in the shape of ingots, a treasure deposited in central banks’ vaults and rarely exhibited to the public, is associated by the collective conscience with prosperity, trust, and stability.

In the section dedicated to gold in our permanent exhibition, we tried to bring together the fascination stirred by this metal and its economic value. By creating a modern and original concept starting from the image of the Earth as a depository of gold resources, our museum has set out to provoke the visitors’ curiosity to discover novel information on gold and to admire authentic gold bars and gold coins.

Thanks to the generosity of our partners, the National Museum of Natural History “Grigore Antipa” and the County Museum of Mineralogy “Victor Gorduza” Baia Mare, we also displayed gold specimens – a gold ore and mine flowers containing native gold elements on a quartz matrix.