Romanian Post Stamps During the Reign of King Ferdinand

The 7th edition of the National Colloquium organized by the National Museum “Cotroceni’” was dedicated to the 150th celebration of the birth of King Ferdinand the 1st of Romania. The event was held between May 27th and 29th, 2015 and reunited specialists from museums, libraries and universities from Bucharest and other regions of Romania, as well as invitees from the Republic of Moldova.

One of the dissertations in the first section of the Colloquium – entitled “Ferdinand the 1st, the Unifier” was given by Dr. Cristian Scăiceanu, expert at the Museum of the National Bank of Romania, who presented to the audience “Romanian Post Stamps During the Reign of King Ferdinand”.

Before the colloquium, the guests participated in the opening of an exhibition: “A Good Romanian” – King Ferdinand the 1st. The exhibition was open to the public from May 28th through July 20th 2015 and set up in cooperation with the Library of the Romanian Academy, The National Military Museum “King Ferdinand the 1st”, the National “Peleș” Museum, the Museum of National History and the “Bran Museum”. The organizers had set out to bring homage to the first king of unified Romania, as represented in this exposition. The exhibits include items that belonged to King Ferdinand, among which photographs and post cards, some of these little known up to that point, with a central interest in Prince/ King Ferdinand and King Carol the 1st, Queen Elisabeth and Princess Maria, other family members and high guests on visit to Romania.