Member of the Board

Date of birth: 1 January 1947
Place of birth: Brăila

Virgiliu-Jorj Stoenescu, Professor, Ph. D.

Education and training

Ph. D. thesis in Economics titled Teorii actuale cu privire la relaţiile economice internaționale (“Current Theories on International Economic Relations”)
UNCTAD scholarship at the ESCE International Business School and École des hautes études politiques in Paris
1964 - 1969
Academy of Economics, Bucharest, Faculty of Commerce, major in Foreign Trade Economics
Iulia Haşdeu High-School, Bucharest

Work experience

since 2004
Member of the NBR Board
since 1996
Professor at the Chair of Communication and Economic Doctrines, Academy of Economics, Bucharest (courses in economic doctrines and the history of economic thought, international trade economics, international economic relations)
1993 - 1996
Senior lecturer at the Chair of the History of Economic Thought, Academy of Economics, Bucharest
1990 - 1993
Lecturer at the Chair of the History of Economic Thought, Academy of Economics, Bucharest
1973 - 1990
Assistant professor at the Chair of Political Economy, Academy of Economics, Bucharest
1969 - 1973
Research scientist, Institute of World Economy
Economist, I.C.E. Agroexport

Other scientific, cultural activities, and other types of activity

  • Member of the Romanian Association for the Club of Rome
  • Vice-chairman of the Romanian Economics Society (SOREC)
  • Member of the Economics and Economics Development Study Centre
  • Member of the Institute for Humane Studies Liberty
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Oeconomica journal
  • Member of the Romanian Institute for Free Enterprise (IRLI)
  • Member of the Romanian Committee of the Centre for European Policy Studies
  • Member in the Advisory Commission of the Council for Coordination, Strategy and Economic Reform attached to the Government of Romania (1992 - 1993)
  • Visiting professor at the Aix en Provence Summer School, 1991
  • Member of the Writers’ Union in Romania (since 1975)

List of published papers

  1. In the field of Economics (selection)
    • “Cantemir oeconomiae peritus”, Editura Băncii Naţionale a României, 2007 (trilingual: Romanian, English and French)
    • “La început a fost Carada” (In the Beginning was Carada), in Banca Naţională a României 1880-1995, Editura Enciclopedică, 1995 (bilingual: Romanian and English)
    • “Aspecte de doctrină monetară în gândirea economică românească din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea” (“Monetary Doctrine Issues in the Romanian Economic Thought during the Second Half of the 19th Century”), Oeconomica No. 1/1997
    • “Modele input-output ale comerţului internaţional în contextul integrării sectoriale” (“Input-output Models of International Trade in the Context of Sectoral Integration”), Oeconomica No. 3/1996
    • “Splendorile şi mizeriile ştiinţei economice sau despre criza gândirii economice contemporane versus criza globală a omenirii” (“The Splendours and Miseries of Economics or On the Contemporary Economic Thought Crisis versus the Global Mankind Crisis”), Oeconomica No. 1/1996
    • “Virgil Madgearu – un neoclasic bine temperat, un reprezentant ‘avant la lettre’ al sintezei neoclasice” (“Virgil Madgearu – A Well-Tempered Neoclassic, an avant la lettre Representative of Neoclassical Synthesis”), Oeconomica No. 3-4/1995
    • “Costin C. Kiriţescu, un neoclasic bine temperat – Studii de istorie economică şi istoria gândirii economice” (“Costin C. Kiriţescu, A Well-Tempered Neoclassic – Studies on Economic History and the History of Economic Thought”), Vol. IX, Editura Academiei Române, 2007
    • “130 de ani de la crearea sistemului monetar românesc” (“130 Years since the Creation of the Romanian Monetary System”), Editura Enciclopedică, 1997 (co-author)
    • “Restructurarea teoriei economice. Învăţământul în faţa unor noi provocări” (“Economic Theory Restructuring. Education Facing New Challenges”), Editura Economică, Bucharest, 1996 (co-author)
    • “Câteva consideraţiuni cu privire la teoria schimbului inegal pe baza deteriorării raportului de schimb” (“Several Considerations on the Theory of Unequal Exchange Based on Terms-of-Trade Worsening”), in Orientări actuale în gândirea economică contemporană, « Idei economice contemporane » collection, No. 3/1981
    • “Romania’s Monetary History (1867-1914)” (coordinator), in Monetary time series of Southeastern Europe from 1870 to 1914, 2009, Bank of Greece printing works
    • “Data Concerning Romania’s Monetary History (1867-1914). Introducing the Statistical and Historical Data Series” (coordinator), in The Experience of Exchange Rate Regimes in Southeastern Europe in a Historical and Comparative Perspective, Publisher and editor: Oesterreichische Nationalbank, 2008
    • “Foreign Exchange Regime in Romania between 1929 and 1939” (coordinator), in The Experience of Exchange Rate Regimes in Southeastern Europe in a Historical and Comparative Perspective, publisher and editor: Oesterreichische Nationalbank, 2008
    • “The Romanian Banking System under the Sign of the Interwar Crisis” (coordinator), paper defended at the 15th World Economic History Congress, August 2009, Utrecht, The Netherlands
  2. Participation in international research programmes
    • Ri1 – Ri5. South Eastern European Monetary History Network (coordinator for Romania)
  3. In the field of literature (under the pen name George Virgil Stoenescu)
    • EX, Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold, Bucharest, 2010
    • SOL, Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest, 2009
    • BABEL, Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest, 2008
    • GEOMETRIA HAZARDULUI (The Geometry of Hazard), Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest, 2007
    • DUBLUL (Double), Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest, 2006
    • CERCURI SUB LUNĂ (Circles under the Moon), Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest, 2005
    • LUMINA UMBREI (Shadow Light), Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest, 2004
    • CARCERE (Dungeons), Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest, 2003
    • LUPTA CU ÎNGERUL (Fighting the Angel), Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest, 2002
    • TÂNĂRA CIRCE (Young Circe), Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest, 2001
    • ÎN CRÂNGUL ALEXANDRA (In the Alexandra Grove), Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest, 2001
    • FRATELE MEU (My Brother), Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest, 2000 (National Bank of Romania Award and “Mihai Eminescu” Award of the Romanian Academy)
    • ANATOMIA MELANCOLIEI (The Anatomy of Melancholia), Editura Eminescu, Bucharest, 1991
    • MÂINILE UITATE PE CER (Hands Forgotten in the Sky), Editura Cartea Românească, Bucharest, 1983
    • CASA A NOUA (The 9th House), Editura Cartea Românească, Bucharest, 1979
    • CĂLĂREŢUL DE AER (The Air Rider), Editura Eminescu, Bucharest, 1976
    • CHIP SIMILAR (Similar Face), Editura Eminescu, Bucharest, 1974
    • CERCURI LA ELSINORE (Circles at Elsinore), Editura Eminescu, Bucharest, 1972 (the book was bestowed an award by the Writers’ Union in Romania)

Orders, awards and medals

  • “150 ani de la naşterea lui Mihai Eminescu” commemorative medal (30 December 2000)
  • The National Order of “Southern Cross” awarded for the Commander grade, Brazilian decoration awarded to foreigners, Bucharest (28 October 2002)
  • The National Order of “Steaua României” awarded for the Knight grade (27 December 2006)
  • The National Order of “Steaua României” awarded for the Officer grade (19 November 2008)
  • The National Order of “Steaua României” awarded for the Commander grade (21 January 2010)
  • “Costin C. Kiriţescu” Award (2008)
  • 16 July 2008: at the request of the U.S. Congress, the national flag of the United States of America was flown to honour Professor and poet George Virgil Stoenescu, Ph.D., as a token of appreciation for his paying homage to the memory of 9/11 casualties