NBR First Deputy Governor

Date of birth: 25 November 1953
Place of birth: Bucharest

Florin Georgescu, Professor, Ph.D.

Education and training

May 2004
International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, Switzerland
August 1991 - May 1992
Henry Bloch School of Business and Public Administration – University of Missouri Kansas City, Kansas City, USA – Scientific Research Internship on the Banking and Financial Management in a Market Economy, with an Alexander Hamilton Scholarship, under the Fulbright Program
Ph.D. Degree in Finance, Money Circulation and Credit, Academy of Economics, Bucharest
Finance and Accounting Faculty, Academy of Economics, Bucharest

Work experience

21 December 2012 - Present
Vice Chairman of the Board and First Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Romania
7 May 2012 - 21 December 2012
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Finance; Governor appointed to represent Romania at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank
October 2004 - Present
Vice Chairman of the Board and First Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Romania (position suspended during the tenure (7 May - 21 December, 2012) as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Finance)
January 2011 - Present
Member of the European Systemic Risk Board, representing the banking supervision authority (position suspended during the tenure (7 May - 21 December, 2012) as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Finance)
October 2004 - December 2010
Member of the Banking Supervision Committee of the European Central Bank
April - October 2004
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Banca Comercială Română
December 2000 - April 2004
Deputy, Chairman of the Committee for Budget, Finance and Banks of the Chamber of Deputies
April 2004 - October 2004
December 1996 - December 2000
Deputy, Vice Chairman of the Committee for Budget, Finance and Banks of the Chamber of Deputies
November 1992 - December 1996
State Minister, Minister of Finance
Governor, appointed to represent Romania at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
June 1992 - November 1992
Secretary of State, the Ministry of Economy and Finance
November 1990 - June 1992
Director General of the General Department of State Financial Control in Bucharest, the Ministry of Finance
February 1990 - November 1990
Director of the State Financial Territorial Inspection in Bucharest, the Ministry of Finance
July 1988 - February 1990
Head of Division of financial control in economic units across industry, construction, transport and in craftsmen’s associations, within the State Financial Territorial Inspection in Bucharest, the Ministry of Finance
November 1976 - July 1988
Inspector in the above-mentioned division of the State Financial Territorial Inspection in Bucharest, the Ministry of Finance
October 2000 - October 2004
Chairman of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania (October 2004 – Present: inactive financial auditor)

Teaching activity

Doctoral supervisor in the “Money and Credit” field, Academy of Economics, Bucharest and, starting with 1977, academic teaching the “Money and Credit” course.

July 1999 - Present
July 1999 - 2007
Professor teaching also the “International Financial Institutions” course
February 1993 - July 1999
Senior Lecturer
October 1988 - February 1993
October 1977 - September 1988
Assistant Professor

Scientific activity

  • “Contribuţia politicii prudenţiale a BNR în cadrul mix-ului de politici economice” (“The Contribution of NBR’s Prudential Policy to the Economic Policy Mix”), Working Papers No. 29/June 2011, National Bank of Romania (author)
  • Starea economico-socială a României în anul 2000 (The Economic and Social Context in Romania in 2000), Editura Expert, Bucharest, 2002 (author)
  • Tratatul de finanţe publice (Public Finance Treatise), Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucharest, 2007, 2006, 2003, 2002, 2000, 1999 (co-author), Chapter “Politici financiare şi monetare privind asigurarea echilibrului financiar” (“Financial and Monetary Policies for Ensuring Financial Equilibrium”) and Chapter “Procesul bugetar” (“The Budgetary Process”)
  • “România 2000: politicile de creştere economică” (“Romania 2000: Economic Growth Policies”) (author), research paper included in Tranziţia economică în România – trecut, prezent, viitor (Economic Transition in Romania – Past, Present, Future), published under the aegis of World Bank and the Romanian Centre for Economic Policies, Bucharest, 2000
  • Preface to The IMF by Patrick Lenain, Editura C.N.I. CORESI S.A., Bucharest, 2000
  • Preface to Globalizarea – şansă sau blestem?(Globalisation – Opportunity or Curse?) by Eugen Zainea, Editura Valand Print, Bucharest, 2000
  • Contribution to the Collection of exercises and case studies in the field of Money Circulation and Credit – compiled by a group of academics from the Academy of Economics, Bucharest, coordinated by Professor Eugen Vasilescu, Ph.D., the 1982 and 1980 editions
  • Over 350 research papers and articles published in academic journals and the economic column in various daily newspapers
  • Over 150 presentations on economic, monetary and financial policies delivered at conferences and symposia organised in Romania
  • Numerous speeches delivered at international meetings, on the economic reform in Romania (fiscal, monetary, foreign exchange, foreign trade, pricing policies, privatisation and restructuring of real economy and banking sector)

Scientific titles

  • Doctor Honoris Causa of the National School of Political Science and Public Administration (2013)
  • Doctor Honoris Causa of the Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad (2013)

Other professional and scientific activities and achievements

  • Member of the Romanian Association for the Club of Rome (ARCoR), Bucharest
  • Founding member and Vice Chairman of the Romanian Economic Society (SOREC), Bucharest
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Oeconomica journal
  • Vice Chairman of the General Association of the Economists in Romania, June 2002-October 2004


  • The Order of “The Star of Romania”, awarded for the Officer grade in January 2010
  • The Order of “The Star of Romania”, awarded for the Knight grade in December 2002
  • The Order of “The Industrial and Commercial Merit”, awarded for the Grand Officer grade in January 2007
  • The Badge of “Honour of the Romanian Army”, awarded in November 2010