The Legal Coloquia of the National Bank of Romania

Edition XII - 1 November 2013


Welcome speech, Bogdan Olteanu, Vicegovernor, Alexandru Păunescu, Director, Legal Department, Banca Naţională a României

  •  Challenges Confronting Bank Resolution, Bogdan Moinescu, Banca Naţională a României
  • German Bank Restructuring Act, dr. Michael Rötting, Deutsche Bundesbank
  • Legal aspects of the UK resolution regime, Theresa Kelly, Bank of England
  •  Bank resolution – Danish experiences, Niels C. Andersen, Ulrik Løgholdt Poulsen, Danmarks Nationalbank
  • Legal aspects related to the impact of the RRD in the Italian system, Marco di Pietropaolo, Banca d’Italia
  • The new French Banking Law: a framework for effective bank recovery and resolution, Monica Algarra, Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel, France
  •  Bank Resolution - European and Polish Experience, Tomasz Rybka, Narodowy Bank Polski
  • Main aspects of the Spanish legal framework on bank resolution, África Pinillos Lorenzana, Banco de Espania
  •  Legal aspects of the Romanian bank resolution regime, Adrian Dumitrescu, Banca Naţională a României

Concluding remarks