Legislative proposals

Dead-line for comments Legislative proposals Contacts
30.07.2024 Draft Regulation (romanian only) for the amendment and completion of the NBR Regulation no. 5/2013 on prudential requirements for development banks.

Short presentation
Mara Tudosescu and Andrei Păun
* Draft Order (Romanian only) amending the National Bank of Romania Order no. 10/2012 for the approval of the semi-annually accounting reporting system applicable to the entities under the National Bank of Romania accounting regulation scope

Short presentation
* Draft Regulation (Romanian only) amending NBR Regulation no. 4/2023 on prudential requirements for development banks

Short presentation
* The objective of the draft regulation (Romanian only) is to amend the NBR Regulation no. 5/2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions for the purpose of incorporating the provisions of the EBA Guidelines on outsourcing arrangements - EBA/GL/2019/02 (EBA/GL/2019/02 Guidelines) into the national framework, as well as for the purpose of introducing certain provisions regulating the legal function within a credit institution.

Short presentation

* Draft Order (Romanian only) for the approval of the methodological norms as regards reporting of information by credit institution on non-performing credit loans transferred subject to Government Emergency Ordinance no. /2023 regarding credit servicers and credit purchasers and for the amendment of some normative acts

Short presentation

* Legislative proposals pending completion