LEI 100,000 Note

Lei 100,000 polymer banknote - November 2001 issue


  • Size: 160 x 73 mm;
  • Main colour: orange;
  • Printed on polymer.

Obverse: Portrait of Nicolae Grigorescu (1838-1907), Romanian painter. Centered, hollyhock flower (Althea officinalis) and artist's palette and paintbrush. Upper, Romanian Coat of Arms, name of the issuing central bank "BANCA NATIONALA A ROMANIEI" and "NBR" medallion. Down, banknote denomination in figures and letters "100 000 lei UNA SUTA MII". Left, authorized signatures of the Governor, of the Chief Cashier and issuing year "2001". The value "UNA SUTA MII 100 000" is placed vertically, on the right. Reverse: house from Oltenia region. On the left, Nicolae Grigorescu's painting "Rodica", representing a country girl portrait. Up: denomination value "100 000" vertical and horizontal, the name of the central bank "BANCA NATIONALA A ROMANIEI" and NBR logo. Down, right: denomintation value in letters and figures "UNA SUTA MII lei 100 000"; left, NBR logo within a rectangle. Right from the transparent window, penalty text, placed vertically: "FALSIFICAREA ACESTOR BILETE SE PEDEPSESTE CONFORM LEGII" (FORGERY IS PUNISHED ACCORDING TO THE LAW). The series and numbers of the banknote printed in letters and figures with black and red ink, as follows: fonts of the same height printed vertically on the left side with black ink and fonts of ascending height on the right side with red ink.
Security features:
  • Transparent window: with embossed denomination value "100000".
  • Shadow image ("watermark"): portrait and NBR logo, above the transparent window (when looking at the reverse). The shadow image is visible only when the banknote is held up to the light.
  • Perfect register: Palette, visible when the banknote is held up to the light. Parts of the palette printed on the obverse beneath the name of the central bank match perfectly with the parts printed on the reverse and build a complete image.
  • Golden overprinted patch: placed down right on the obverse having the shape of a palette.
  • Pearlescent feature: the portrait and the flower. When the note is tilted, the pearlescent feature appears.

The design of this note is protected by registration with the Romanian State Office for Trade Marks (OSIM). Any color 1:1 reproduction must be done with the previous written permission of NBR. Forgery or attempted forgery will be punished, according to the Romanian Criminal Code - Art. 282, with 3 to 12 years imprisonment.