New Challenges for the Central Banks in Conducting Financial Stability Policies

Seminar regional anual pe tema stabilităţii financiare organizat de Banca Naţională a României în colaborare cu Fondul Monetar Internaţional, 15-16 noiembrie 2012 (desfăşurat în limba engleză)

Opening Remarks by the NBR - Cristian Popa, Deputy Governor, NBR

Opening Remarks by the IMF/MCMD - Jacek Osinski, Advisor, IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Department

  • Session 1.1: Sovereign debt crisis, capital flows and deleveraging, Bojan Markovic, Former Vice Governor, National Bank of Serbia; Heiko Hesse, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, IMF
  • Session 1.2: Discussions/ Country Presentations, Dimitrios Chalamandaris, Greece; Piotr Macki, Poland; Ivan Golchenko,Ukraine

Concluding Remarks by the IMF and NBR - Cristian Popa, Deputy Governor, NBR; Jacek Osinski, Advisor, IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Department