Aggregate Indicators for Credit Institutions

banks, foreign banks' branches and Creditcoop*

Jun. 2023 Sep. 2023 Dec. 2023 Mar. 2024 Jun. 2024
Number of credit institutions 32 32 32 32 32
  of which foreign banks’ branches 8 8 8 8 8
Total net assets (RON bill.) 737.8 757.3 803.3 822.6 834.6
Assets of private-owned institutions 1 (% in total assets) 87.2 87.1 86.3 86.2 85.6
Assets of foreign-owned institutions 2 (% in total assets) 67.0 66.6 65.6 65.3 64.9
Capital Adequacy Ratio (≥8%) (%)*22.8322.3023.6022.9024.05
Leverage Ratio 3 (%)*8.077.838.157.878.22
Impaired loans 4 (% in total loans)1.000.990.920.991.17
Impaired loans 5 (% in total assets)0.520.510.480.500.58
Impaired loans 6 (% in total debt)0.570.570.520.550.64
ROA 7 (%)1.881.911.801.831.82
ROE 8 (%)21.1121.2520.1319.7720.15
Operating income / operating expenses 9 (%)203.02209.96209.89200.37198.22
Loan-to-Deposit Ratio 10 (%)68.8168.6667.8266.2366.35
Non-performing loans ratio based on EBA’s definition 11 (%)*2.652.612.372.412.49


*) Indicators for banks and Creditcoop; foreign banks' branches do not report Capital Adequacy, Own Funds and Loans Classification Statement
1) Total net assets of credit institutions with majority private capital (including foreign bank branches) / Total net assets
2) Total net assets of credit institutions with majority foreign capital (including foreign bank branches) / Total net assets
3) Tier 1 Capital / Total average assets 
4) Impaired loans (net value) / Total loans portfolio (net value)
5) Impaired loans (net value) / Total assets (net value)
6) Impaired loans (net value) / Total debt
7) Return on assets (Annualized net profit / Total average assets)
8) Return on equity (Annualized net profit / Average own capital)
9) Total operating income / Total operating expenses
10) Loans granted to clients (gross value) / Deposits from clients
11) Non-performing exposures from loans and advances/Exposures from loans and advances. In line with EBA’s definition, implemented in the national framework via NBR Order No. 6/2014, non-performing exposures are those that satisfy any of the following criteria: 1) material exposures which are more than 90 days past due; 2) the debtor is assessed as unlikely to pay its credit obligations in full without realisation of collateral, regardless of the existence of any past due amount or of the number of days past due.


Based on FINREP and COREP reports.

Total assets and Own capital for Leverage Ratio, ROA and ROE are calculated as averages.

As of June 2014, indicators are determined based on the information submitted by banks according to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 680/2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions according to Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Once Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 680/2014 entered into force, the leverage ratio was included in the reporting statements in compliance with the said technical standards and is reported accordingly by credit institutions.

In June 2015, the methodological notes on the FINREP framework at solo level were amended so as to include cash balances with the central bank and other demand deposits with credit institutions in the non-performing exposure report form.

Time series - selected from the Interactive Database

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