Loans to non-financial corporations

Period Loans to non-financial corporations
Total RON EUR other currencies
Total maturity Total maturity Total maturity
≤1 year >1 and ≤5 years >5 years ≤1 year >1 and ≤5 years >5 years ≤1 year >1 and ≤5 years >5 years
RON million - end of period
2021 148,528.1 93,206.4 25,776.8 39,560.9 27,868.7 52,331.9 7,447.7 15,429.3 29,454.9 2,989.8 1,507.8 793.4 688.6
2022 176,489.1 97,242.6 29,138.0 42,009.7 26,094.9 76,629.4 16,702.4 21,183.6 38,743.4 2,617.2 1,398.3 684.6 534.3
2023 194,645.0 105,712.8 37,458.2 43,175.4 25,079.2 85,641.4 19,183.0 22,134.9 44,323.4 3,290.8 1,892.6 915.0 483.2
2023 Q3 190,988.4 102,805.1 27,668.1 49,040.6 26,096.5 84,314.6 18,384.6 23,057.2 42,872.7 3,868.7 2,156.6 1,029.9 682.2
2023 Q4 194,645.0 105,712.8 37,458.2 43,175.4 25,079.2 85,641.4 19,183.0 22,134.9 44,323.4 3,290.8 1,892.6 915.0 483.2
2024 Q1 192,797.6 104,934.1 36,979.0 42,922.2 25,032.9 84,709.3 18,688.9 21,570.8 44,449.7 3,154.2 1,469.5 1,193.0 491.7
2024 Q2 198,041.3 108,506.8 39,151.2 43,909.0 25,446.6 85,849.1 19,028.6 21,037.3 45,783.2 3,685.4 1,927.5 1,244.5 513.4
Apr. 2024 194,236.3 104,616.0 37,241.5 42,290.3 25,084.3 85,784.3 18,356.0 21,432.9 45,995.4 3,836.0 2,143.0 1,197.4 495.6
May  2024 193,658.2 104,166.5 37,281.6 41,722.7 25,162.2 85,502.5 18,595.3 21,174.1 45,733.0 3,989.1 2,326.7 1,166.5 495.9
Jun. 2024 198,041.3 108,506.8 39,151.2 43,909.0 25,446.6 85,849.1 19,028.6 21,037.3 45,783.2 3,685.4 1,927.5 1,244.5 513.4
Jul. 2024 199,248.4 109,938.7 37,838.3 46,532.9 25,567.5 86,404.7 19,078.4 21,568.6 45,757.7 2,905.0 1,207.5 1,192.7 504.9
Aug. 2024 201,223.9 111,881.9 38,017.6 48,283.6 25,580.7 86,630.0 19,454.5 20,691.5 46,484.1 2,712.0 1,042.8 1,177.7 491.5

The data are provisional and may be subject to periodic review

Time series - selected from the Interactive Database

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